Knights of Light Pt. 3

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Everyone stood around Allura as she fell to her knees in pain, clutching her head so hard, Novae feared that Allura was pop her head wide open.

"What's going on?" Alfor asked, kneeling next to the princess.

"Honerva's connection grows." Allura panted hard, "We are very close to her now."

"You hold a dark entity within you." Alfor gasped, "Don't you know how dangerous that is? That's what led to Honerva and Zarkon's end."

"That is why I created the rings." Novae said, lifting Allura's hand to show Alfor the ring she had given the princess before entering Honerva's mind.

"What is that ring?" Blaytz asked.

"I turned my blood into quintessence and shaped them into rings to protect the Paladins from most of Honerva's influence on them within her mind. Believe me, Alfor, it may not look like it, but Allura isn't feeling the full front of the entity's attack."

"Are you sure about this?" Alfor asked worriedly.

"I am. I would never allow Allura or the others to be here if I couldn't help protect them even if I wasn't there by their sides."

"But how could have happened Novaleyia?"

"Allura made her decision when she took in the entity and refused to remove it." Novae sighed and helped Allura to her feet, "I understand that this is difficult, especially with you being her father, but this is a great advantage for the good side. Allura now has the ability to help bring Honerva to an end and bring peace and freedom to the universe. You did the same thing when you sent the Lions away to be hidden. A difficult choice, but the right one."

Alfor lowered his head in shame and conflict. Sure, he did the same thing his daughter did, making a difficult decision for the greater good. But seeing his only child suffer this way.... It was too much for a father to witness.

"I'm not going to be afraid to use the power I have." Allura said, "We need to continue."

"But how do we get past the wall?" Lance asked.

Allura knelt down on the wall and sense Honerva on the other side.

"It's... it's like I can feel her thoughts. The way though is with the darkness."

Novae nodded, "I can feel her darkened quintessence beyond this wall. Allura, are you ready to enter?"

Allura nodded.

"Honerva went mad, obsessed with darkness and power." Alfor said.

"And now we must enter her mind." Novae sighed deeply, "Perhaps I can finally see my sweet Aunt once again, as soon as her soul is freed from this darkness."

Allura looked over at Novae and smiled, placing her hand on the woman's shoulder in comfort.

"Shall we?" Allura said. Novae smiled back at her and grasped the princess' hand. They placed their joined hands on the wall and a bright light erupted from underneath them. The light carved out a strange Altean magic circle, connecting the six Lions of Voltron. 

As the light grew stronger and brighter, it enveloped the group and sent through through the dark wall. The Paladins of old and present were flung through the darkness of Honerva's mind. 

After what seemed like forever, the two groups landed on broken ground. It was the complete opposite of where they were before, torn apart like it was the result of a dog tearing apart a brand new toy into shreds.

However, Novae could recognize this strange land clearly. A place she once called her second home.

"Whoa." Hunk gasped, "Wait, where are we?"

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