The Escape

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The entire team was gathered in the healing chambers, waiting for Shiro to awaken fully healed from the pods. But as he healed, his face contorted into discomfort, his constant grunting being a sign of him struggling with a nightmare.

"Is he okay?" Hunk asked worried for the Black Paladin.

"Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura explained.

"He looks like he's having a bad dream."

"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards. What dream could be worse than that?" Keith said.

Everyone went silent, until Lance cautiously broke it.

"So... what's up with Novae's condition?" He asked.

Allura sighed, "Novae has improved and almost all of her wounds have healed on their own. However, she has yet to regain consciousness."

"I still can't she took on so much damage." Pidge whispered sadly, "She was covered in so much blood. Keith, did Shiro tell you about what happened to her?"

Keith shook his head, "He didn't say a single thing about what happened to her. But from how she looked when I found them, it must've been horrifying. She was covered in so much blood that you could wring out just her suit and it would fill up a sink. And Novae survived all of that...."

No one could say anything else after that, as they had neither wanted to hear about what she had gone through, nor think about the possible horrors she had to face. They may have been Paladins of Voltron, but they were still children.


The room was dark, the only lights being the light from the purple glow along the walls lit up the room. But this was no ordinary room. It was a Galran medical room. And the subject was wide awake.

Shiro struggled against the straps that bound him to the table, trying to get away in any way he could.

"No, no! No!" She screamed as he was injected with something, "You took my hand. What more do you want?"

He looked over at the Galran who would be performing whatever operation was scheduled for him. The Galran looked down and slapping the injector away from Shiro.

"Stop!" He ordered, "I want him awake enough to feel this."

But then from out of nowhere, the Galran attacked the others in the room, reducing them to unconscious piles on the floor. He took off his mask and rushed back to Shiro, taking his metal hand and inputing small bits of information into the metal arm.

"Listen to me. We don't have much time." The Galran said, then slapped Shiro after seeing him almost fall asleep.

"Wake up!" The Galran shouted, "My informant states that Zarkon has located the Blue Lion of Voltron on your planet, Earth. You must get it before he does."

"What are you doing?" Shiro asked as the Galran undid his restraints.

"I've planted a bomb to cover your escape. Get to a pod, now." The Galran said.

Just then, the door opened, revealing a familiar face to both of them.

"Ulaz, we need to go now! The Galra will notice that I've escaped soon. Grab Takashi and run!" Novae shouted, her hair in disarray and her breath fast paced.

"Novae! What are you doing here?" Shiro asked hurrying off of the table, "How do you two know each other?"

"We've worked together before." The Galran, Ulaz, answered, "There's no time to explain, we have to go!"

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