Zaiforge Cannons

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Novae's body traveled through the Earth, the pathways of its quintessence lighting her way through the wonderful planet she was determined to save. She looked down at her hands, seeing that they were glowing a shade of gold that matched her hair, the rest of her body covered in the same golden light that seemed to be flowing from every pore of her body.

She smiled, feeling the warmth of the planet's life encircling her. It was gentle, yet strong, and somehow nostalgic. Like she had felt this warmth before.

"This is incredible. I cannot believe that I was able to do this so long ago."

"Yes, and you enjoyed doing it so very much when you were a child. You would heal a planet from the inside-out just by staying along the flow of quintessence that runs through it." Zaurelia explained, "I assure you, your memories from your previous Deaths will come back soon, Novaleyia. Then, you will be able to accomplish so much more and see many more wonderous things in the universe."

Novae was excited to have all of these hidden abilities unlocked, but for now, she had to focus on saving this world. All of a sudden, Novae felt that her body was being pulled upwards. She looked up and saw the blue sky above her. She reached out to grab the sky when suddenly, she found herself standing on solid ground. Novae looked up to see one of the Zaiforge cannons standing tall quite some distance from her.

"Are you ready, Zaurelia?" 

"As always, my friend."

Novae took off her bracelet and threw it into the air, a bright light engulfing it as it grew and transformed into the Gold Lion of Voltron with Novae sitting in her pilot's seat in the cockpit. She smiled and pressed a button on her gauntlet, letting everyone back at the Garrison know that she was in position.


"Five of the six paladins have reached their drop zones. Just waiting on Lance." Commander Iverson informed. However, Shiro grew even more worried. Lance was the only one who didn't call in to state his position.

"Lance, where are you. Can you hear me?" Shiro asked. But he only received sounds of cannon fire.

"We've been spotted! Veronica, look out!" Lance shouted.

Then, there were several screams before the lines were cut.

On a separate screens was the last known location Lance and Veronica were tracked. And on the map, were several Galran ship signatures.

"Oh, no!" Shiro gasped in fear.


Novae gasped when she felt something in her chest thump painfully. Then there was a strange glimmer of Lance's form in her vision.

"Zaurelia, what was that?" She asked in fear.

"An ability created from the gifts you gave the Lions." Zaurelia answered, "Your gifts have been with the Lions for so long that they have been integrated with the quintessence signatures of their bonded Paladins. That worry is for the Blue Paladin, Lance McClain."

"He's in trouble?"

"I am afraid so. But there is no need to worry for too long. The Red Lion will be here shortly."

Novae breathed softly as the pain and worry slowly began to fade, but the fear that Lance would be hurt or even killed remained as she tried to contact him.


Everything went dark for a second. All that Lance remembered was that their car was shot at and then, just a lot of tumbling until something hit him in the head.

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