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After leaving the rebels on the moon, the Paladins continued on their course to the Balmera where they would save it from the Galra's rule.

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon." Allura said, "Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and just-- pow, pow, pow! And free the prisoners." Lance said imitating laser guns.

"What was that noise?" Keith asked.

"Laser guns."

"No, Lance, I think you mean-- Pew, pew, pew." Hunk said making his own laser gun noise.

"That sounds like fireworks." Lance pointed out.

"Technically, they're more like-- ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge stepped in.

"Olay, enough with the bad sound effects." Shiro said, "Besides, it's more like-- blam, blam, blam!"

"Paladins, focus." Allura said.

"Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera, it's, like, alive." Hunk pointed out, "And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good."

Everyone stayed quiet as they flew closer towards the Balmera. But Shiro looked around the room, not seeing the last member of Voltron.

"Has anyone seen Novae?" Shiro asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"We haven't seen her since we left those rebels on the room." Pidge said.

"Yeah, maybe she's in her room resting or on the training deck." Lance added.

"Well, we'll be at the Balmera in just a few doboshes. Could one of you go find her?" Allura asked.

"Sure, I'll do it." Shiro said almost immediately, turning around and walking out the door to find their missing teammate.


Novae sat in bed, dressed in only the base suit for her armor. She stared down at her hand, the fingers twitching as she sighed.

"I understand your determination for this to remain a secret, Young Star." The Gold Lion said in its bracelet form, "But I know exactly what you are planning to do at the Balmera. I must advise against it."

"Gold, I understand that you are worried for me, but there is no need for it. I have done many times before to other planets and I have come out just fine." Novae replied.

"Yes, but-"

"Gold. Please.... I have done this before with no regrets. I know what the consequences of my actions shall be, and I shall take them with no complaint."

Novae could hear the Gold Lion chuckle, but affectionately instead of anything harmful.

"You have indeed inherited your mother's determined spirit, and your father's sense of selflessness. Very well. I shall not interfere with your predetermined plans. However, if the need arises, do not hesitate to call upon my power. Do you understand, Young Star?"

Novae smiled, "Thank you, Gold."

Their conversation ended, just as a knock came from Novae's bedroom door.

"Novae?" Shiro's voice called out from behind the door, "Are you decent? May I come in?"

Novae stood up and went to the door, releasing the lock and allowing Shiro to be revealed on the other side.

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