The Abandoned Ship

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The plan was set and the team was ready to go. The group formed Voltron and flew across the universe to the coordinates from the transmission. But something didn't sit right with Novae. This transmission was just coming in now. Why didn't it come in sooner, and why did the voice calling out in the transmission sound so.... off?

"What are you thinking, Young Star?" Zaurelia asked.

"Something about this mission and the transmission... It doesn't sit right with me."

"If that is how you feel, then it would be wise to stay on your toes. Do not let your guard down."

"Not letting my guard down in the sight of danger is one of my greatest abilities."

"And yet your friends were always able to break it down."

Novae chuckled, "No, I just let them in when I needed them."

"What was this fleet's mission when they left?" Keith asked Lahn, snapping Novae out of her thoughts with Zaurelia.

"They were out gathering munitions." Lahn answered.

"Weapons? Were you buying or stealing them?" Allura asked.

"The Galra Empire is at war with itself. We have to do what we can to survive. But if you must know, they were salvaging weapons from an abandoned Galra base." Lahn explained.

"I have visual." Pidge said as everyone looked out at the target location.

Voltron stopped in an instant as everyone stared at the broken and battered ship before them. Bits and pieces of the ship were floating aimlessly around in open space. But for some reason, there were more pieces than there should've been.

"Everyone, stay alert." Novae said.

"What happened here?" Lance asked.

"Uh, Warlord Lahn, didn't you say there were 15 cruisers? Where are the rest of them?" Hunk asked worryingly.

"I'm not detecting any signs of life or biorhythms on the closest two ships, but there are some signals coming from the ships at the end." Pidge said.

"Yes, I can definitely feel something within the ship. And I don't think it's a friendly thing either. We should remain alert and be prepared for anything." Novae warned, her voice aiding in her concern for their safety.

"That's Klytax V-Three, where the call came in." Lahn clarified.

"Hailing Galra Cruiser Klytax V-Three. This is Keith, Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron. Do you copy?" Keith said, but no one replied, just static crackling on the other end.

"This is Warlord Lahn, your commander. Do you copy?" Lahn tried to get an answer.

The reply was only the destroyed male voice from the the Galra sentry we heard earlier repeating the distress call.

"Whoever's in there. We need to find them and get them out." Keith said.

"If I can access the ship's security network, we should be able to find out what happened here." Pidge said.

"Paladins, Lahn and I are gonna head in first to make sure the entry point is safe. You guys jetpack in behind us." Keith said, unlocking Lahn's restraints and making our way out of the Black Lion.

"Copy!" Everyone replied.

"Wait a tick, Keith. I'm coming along with you." Novae declared.

"Are you sure, Novae?" Keith asked.

"I am. I need to see what that lifeform is in person. Perhaps I could use my powers to help."

Keith sighed and agreed to Novae joining them. Lahn, Kosmo and Keith jumped out of the Black Lion.

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