A Little Adventure

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The group stared at the two children, both looking so familiar, and yet they couldn't pin where they had seen them. The boy continued to glare at the Paladins, but the girl was all smiles as she approached the group.

"I am so glad to finally be able to meet the Paladins of Voltron in person. We've heard so many incredible things about you."

"Hold on a second, back up." Keith said, "Who are you two? And how do you know about Novae?"

The boy clicked his tongue, "Why should we tell you anything about ourselves? None of you deserve to even be talking to us right now."

"Brother!" The girl shouted.

"Hold the phone!" Lance exclaimed and stomped up to the boy, "Who the heck do you think you are talking to us like that?"

"I can talk to you however I want to because of what you did to Leyia!" The boy shouted, but before he could say anything else, he was pulled away by the girl, his sister.

"That's enough, brother! You know that she trusts these people with her life!" She shouted.

"And look where that got her!"

"EXCUSE ME!" Keith shouted, gaining their attention off their little spat, "Now answer me. Who are you and how do you know about Novae?"

The girl sighed and pushed the boy behind her so that he didn't get in trouble.

"I apologize for my brother, he just a little... tense at the moment." She said then bowed and smiled once again, "Allow me to introduce ourselves. I hail from the planet Estellia. My name is Aromme Astraelis, third heir to the Estellian throne."

Everyone's eyes widened at the mention of her name, and in an instant, the Paladins could remember where they had seen her. She had grown, but it was definitely her. Novae's little sister, Aromme.

"Wait, the same Aromme related to Novae?" Allura asked.

"Don't you dare call her by that name!" The boy shouted, "You don't have the right to call her such a friendly name!"

Aromme hit her brother in the back of the head, making him shut up real quick.

"Once again, I apologize for my brother. He can never truly keep his temper down so well." Aromme then gestured to her brother, "This is the second heir to the Estellian throne, Orasis Astraelis II, my older twin brother."

"But, I thought that you were asleep with the rest of your planet." Pidge asked, "How the heck are you awake now?"

"There will be more time to answer all of your questions at a later time." Aromme said, looking behind the group and seeing Shiro's unconscious body, "For now, your friend looks hurt. Do you have a healing pod he could rest in?"

Everyone looked back at Shiro's body and decided that questions about the twins would have to wait until Shiro finally woke up. The took Shiro's body back to the Black Lion and placed Shiro in the healing pod they took from the Castle before it was destroyed.

No one said a word as they stayed by Shiro's side while he slept. His vitals were low, but stable for the time being, but that didn't help anyone lessen their worries.

"Is--- Is he gonna be okay?" Hunk asked.

Allura sighed, "Only time will tell if this body will accept Shiro's consciousness."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Lance asked.

"I've tried contacting the Voltron Coalition, but I can't get through to anyone. It doesn't make any sense." Pidge said confused, "There might be some distortion I'm just not picking up on. Maybe we need to get into the upper atmosphere for a better signal?"

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