Form Voltron

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The six Paladins sat on the deck floor, taking a well needed break from their training. As they had hardly worked together, the training exercises had become increasingly difficult.

The Paladins sat in relief from their harsh training as Coran brought a tray of water pouches.

"You have been working heard. Maybe it's time to relax a little." Coran said as he handed each of the Paladins a water pouch.

Novae took a large sip from her water pouch and set it down on the floor before sighed and clutching her left hand. Shiro and the others thought it to be odd.

Even though they didn't know much about Novae, they could easily tell that she was strong, but also that she was hiding something.

"Hey, Novae." Coran said.

Novae looked up at the orange haired Altean curiously.

"Yes, what is it, Coran?" She asked.

"Well, I was wondering, where did you learn to fight as you did?"

This question caught everyone's attention.

"Yeah, your eyes were closed and you only took steps to avoid the blasts." Hunk pointed out.

"How did you do that? With your eyes closed, you couldn't see the drones." Pidge asked.

Novae smiled, "It was because of the sound."

"The sound?" Keith asked.

"Yes, everything in the universe has a distinct sound. I've trained myself for many years to block out unnecessary sounds and focus on the target's sound. The lasers were easy to detect and dodge after I had their sounds memorized." Novae explained.

"How did you learn that?" Lance asked.

"Meditation and experience." She explained in a few simple words. From how she talked and the way she explained so clearly, it was obvious that Novae was calm and was very skilled in the heat of battle. To be able to come out of that last training exercise with drones still smiling and asking to go to the next training exercise...

Everyone was silent for the moment, thinking about what they could do to increase their training success, when all of a sudden, the door to the training deck slid open. Allura stomped into the room angrily, four Altean mice sitting on her shoulders.

"What are you doing lying around? You're supposed to be training!" She shouted at the Paladins.

"Just resting a bit." Coran said, "You know, you can't push too hard."

"What do mean, "can't push too hard"? Get up, you lazy lumps! It's time you faced the Gladiator!"


All six Paladins stood in the center of the training deck, their weapons summoned and held at the ready. However, they had noticed that Novae's weapon was different than before.

Instead of the wrist sling shot, she was holding a gold, black and blue sword in her right hand.

"In order to defeat the Gladiator, six paladins must fight as one." Coran explained.

Everyone looked around waiting for the opponent, when all of a sudden, an opening in the ceiling appeared and an Altean droid fell to the floor with a staff acting as its weapon.

"Whoa!" Hunk exclaimed, seeing the droid suddenly appear.

Upon landing, the blue dot in the center of the droid's head lit up and the droid was activated. It started running towards Hunk.

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