Storm Clouds

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Novae held on to her controls tightly, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. But she didn't care about the pain in her hands or the pain she would feel during the battle. She was the armor and the wings of Voltron. She was the one who would keep Voltron's core safe. It as her job to take the pain from Voltron, and Novae would do it gladly. No matter how many times it had to happen.

"Team, let's draw those fighters out!" Shiro ordered, Voltron shot forward towards the large swarm of fighters.

Voltron flew right towards the wall of the storm, the fighters following their every move without hesitation.

"I think it's working! They're following us!" Keith said.

As Voltron flew through the wall of the storm, the fighters that chased them were torn apart by the sheer power of the storm's winds. It was too much for them to handle.

"The plan's working, Takashi. They can't follow us through the storm. It's tearing them apart!" Novae said. But then, the destroyed fighter debris threatened to destroy them as well, hitting Voltron

"The debris!" Hunk shouted as Voltron dodged the scrapped metal, "It's gonna tear us apart if we don't do something!"

"Pidge, we're gonna need that shield!" Shiro said.

"On it!" Pidge replied.

"And, Keith, the sword!"

"Yes, sir!" Keith responded.

The shield and sword were called out for the attack and defense, at the ready to destroy the enemy they faced in the storm. Voltron stayed inside the storm walls, slicing and blocking the debris that threatened to hit them. However, even though Voltron wasn't taking too much damage, the debris still hit a little and caused Novae slight pain.

"Legs, I need everything you've got!" Shiro yelled.

"Roger!" Hunk responded, "Engaging lower thrusters!"

"I'm right there with ya!" Lance added. The energy levels for the thrusters spiked and Voltron was shot through the storm walls. Novae bit her tongue to keep her groans of pain inside as to not worry her teammates.

"Young Star, if this is too much for you, no one shall blame you for not wanting to take this much pain." The Gold Lion said worried about her Paladin.

"I cannot do that, Gold. I will stand by my comrades not matter the pain." Novae replied and continued to bite her tongue to keep the pain down.

The dark sky was becoming clearer as Voltron finally shot out of the storm and back into open space. But as soon as they escaped the storm, Zarkon's command ship was there waiting for them.

It moved closer to Voltron. They turned around and began to fly away from the command ship as the Castle flew out of the storm to safely escape the storm and Zarkon.

"It worked! They escaped!" Hunk said victoriously. 

All of a sudden, Voltron was kept in a strange and cold grip. This energy was dark and controlling, and it seemed to penetrate Voltron on a deeper level than ever.

"What's going on?" Keith asked surprised by the sudden grip.

"My lion!" Hunk shouted after.

Novae looked around on her screens, moving the holo-screens to observe the condition of the other lions. What she saw when she saw the Black Lion's condition surprised her. Shiro's heartrate had become slightly erratic, his breathing as well. His connection to the Black Lion was weakening and the connection was being pulled towards Zarkon.

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