The Comet

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"Okay, team, we need to get that--" Shiro said.

"Here's the plan, everyone." Keith said at the same time as Shiro. The two looked at each other surprised and unsure who was going to speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Shiro." Keith said stepping back to let Shiro take the lead once again.

"We need to get that comet. They must be transporting it to that base." Shiro explained, "It'll be vulnerable during the transfer. That's the best time to strike."

"Takashi, we mustn't underestimate Lotor." Novae warned, a sharp look in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Shiro asked.

"Lotor is not like his father. He uses connections and creates mass confusion as he is the heir to the Galran throne, and yet he aids those who need help escaping Galran oppression." She explained, "It is possible that he has another use for this comet, and we must be prepared for whatever we may face."

Everyone was confused, as Novae was talking about Lotor like she knew him personally.

"How do you know that he he might do something else other than transporting the comet to the base?" Allura asked, her curiosity less of being curious, but more of suspicion. And it was something that Novae could sense from the Altean Princess easily.

Novae gently placed her hand over the scar on her chest, a deep wound from the first time she thought she was going to die by a Galran's hands.

"I.... met him once." Novae hesitated to say, "Lotor is unpredictable. And though his words are sweet, they are like a honey trap designed to draw you in and take whatever you have to offer. I made the mistake of underestimating him once and it nearly cost me my life. Not just mine, but the lives of my comrades and friends. I will not allow it to happen again."

Everyone was shocked at what she said. The new information further deepening their distrust of Zarkon's son. But some were even more suspicious about Novae and what she knew about this man.

All of a sudden, the Castle's radars showed the Galra cruiser shooting at the base. In seconds there were trails of smoke erupting from the base after the initial attacks. The team could only stare in shock and confusion at the events unfolding.

"Who the heck are these guys?" Lance asked breaking the shocked silence.

"They're not moving the comet to the base." Shiro said, "We need more information."

"You're right." Keith sighed, placing his hand on Shiro's shoulder, "You take the Black Lion. I'll stay with Coran in the Castle and provide support."

"Keith, are you sure?" Novae asked, "The Black Lion chose you to be its Paladin for a reason. It is unwise to change the placements so quickly."

"I'm sure." Keith assured. Shiro nodded and hugged Keith, "Be safe out there." Keith said before Everyone all left to suit up.


As the five Lions launched out of the Castle and headed down to the base, everyone noticed that the Black Lion didn't follow behind.

"Shiro, where are you? We need you right now!" Lance said.

Novae sighed, pulling up the connective scans that she had to the other Lions, and the Black Lion almost made her gasp in shock. It was not connecting to Shiro. In fact, the Black Lion was fiercely rejecting the Paladin.

"Takashi, what's the matter? I'm seeing that the Black Lion is not connecting with you."

"No, it's not." Shiro sighed, "Keith, I'm gonna need you to lead this mission."

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