Launch Date

928 28 5

Eight months had passed since the liberation of Earth from the Galran army and things have changed for the better. Since word had gotten out that the Paladins of Voltron and the Blue Star of the Rebellion had saved Earth, many different alien races wanted to come and explore Earth. There have been established settlements for the incoming alien races, making Earth more accepting towards these strange new companions.

The Holts were happy to finally have their son back, as he returned with his group to Earth and never left his family's side except to help with the new settlements and newcomers to Earth. Everyone on Earth slowly adjusted to their new surroundings, and the Paladins were having a great time reuniting and bonding with their family once again. But there was something interesting that came up after the battle.

The Galaxy Garrison had been cleaning the aftermath of the battle, finding the main pieces of the white mech the Paladins had fought against months ago. The main area of the chest was found and inside was a young Altean woman about the same age as Romelle. Her name was Luca, a girl that Romelle knew back from the colony Lotor established.

For all the Alteans, including Novae, this was quite the shock for them. They kept the young woman in the infirmary, keeping track of her health and vitals 24/7. Novae even helped the doctors to determine her state and what had happened to her.

The girl was barely breathing, malnourished, and so weak that she could barely even make a sound as she was moved out of the mech.

Novae sighed as she took another look at Luca's vitals once again. She was getting better, but there was no sign of her waking up anytime soon. Novae carefully placed a few drops of her blood on Luca's vital points to help her heal faster.

"What do you think, Zaurelia?"

"I'm not quite sure, Young Star. There is something about this girl that is incredibly familiar but strange. I can feel it in her blood as her body reacts to your blood."

"What do you think it could be? Luca is terribly malnourished, her energy is low, and it seems as if she hasn't had any sleep in several days, perhaps even weeks. This can only be brought on by incredible determination, and from Romelle told us about her, she is not the type to do this kind of thing because she wanted to on her own. Someone had to instill this determination within her for a cause that promised Luca something great."

"And the one who caused this child so much pain for their selfish cause is what we will figure out."

"I'll take a small sample of her blood then, try to find something within it and how it reacts to mine directly."

"I suppose it is time for you to test your newest abilities, back from one of your Deaths."

"You're right, Zaurelia. I'll have to take a sample later after everything is settled for tomorrow's launch."

"That's right, we are leaving Earth tomorrow. How will it feel going to the stars once again?"

Novae smiled, "It will be just as exhilarating as it always is."

Novae took one last look at Luca's vitals before leaving the room, where Romelle and Allura were watching through the glass window.

"How is she doing, Novae?" Allura asked.

"Her vitals are stable, but for the time being, there's no telling when she will regain consciousness." Novae answered, "Zaurelia believes that I can find more about her condition by looking through her blood."

"Her blood?" Romelle repeated.

"Blood can tell a lot about a person, and with Luca, I can find much more through a small blood sample. For now until I can get the results, all we can do is wait for her to wake up on her own."

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