Tracking a Comet

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It had been several days since the Paladin's adventure to another reality, nad yet no one spoke of it. Probably due to fact that it brought up memories for Novae. 

The other Novae had tried to kill the Allura of that reality, while the Novae of their reality tried to kill Emperor Zarkon when she was just a kid, young than Pidge and she was fifteen. They didn't want to ask, but their curiosity was getting to them. They wanted to know more about their teammate, but the problem they didn't know how to ask about it without them sounding like interrogators.

Novae stay in her room, watching the holographic images of her family play before her from one of her six earrings. This time, it was a little girl playing with a little boy and a little girl who were the age, but younger than Novae. They were crying as they fell onto the harsh ground and the young Novae healed them with her blood. 

"That was amazing!" The little boy said in amazement.

"How did you do it, sis? How'd you do it?" The little girl asked.

The young Novae smiled and brought her finger to her lips, as if shushing the children to be quiet, "Can't tell you that. It's a secret you're far too young to know or understand."

"Why?! You told Mommy and Daddy."

"Why can't you tell us, Vae?"

Novae simply held the kids close, "Don't worry. When you're old enough, I'll tell everything about this gift I have."

Novae smiled, seeing her brother and sister laughing and smiling as they snuggled themselves into her arms. It was a warmth that she missed so very much.

"Everyone, come to the Black Lion hangar! Keith found Shiro!"

Novae stood frozen for a second, then rushed out of her room to the Black Lion hangar. When she got there, everyone was surrounding a figure that lay in Keith's arms. Takashi Shirogane, the Black Paladin the team thought they had lost weeks ago. His hair was long and shaggy, he had even had the start of a mustache and a beard.

"Takashi!" Novae shouted, kneeling down in front of Keith and Shiro to look over the lost Paladin. She quickly saw that he had a wound on his leg, cauterized closed but beginning to show signs of infection.

"He's really weak. We need to get him to a pod, now." Keith said. 

"No, this will be faster." Novae said. She reached into her boot and pulled out a small knife before she cut her palm and let her blood drip onto Shiro. She had one drop of blood drip onto his forehead, two on his chest, one on his stomach, and two on his injured leg. The blood did its job and healed any wounds and smaller injuries that Shiro had.

Novae sighed in relief as she felt his pulse. It was much stronger.

"He's healed, but Takashi will need much rest. We should get him to his room." She said, helping Keith take Shiro to his room.

The Paladins waited around, expecting Shiro to wake up soon, but it would still take him a bit of time. Next thing anyone knew, Shiro was still asleep after three days had passed. Eventually, the Blade of Marmora had called the Paladins on a mission, but none of them could bare to leave Shiro alone. Novae agreed to stay behind since the mission was easy and didn't need an extra to weigh them down.

The Paladins didn't want to leave Novae behind, but she insisted. If Shiro's condition were to take a turn, Novae would use her blood to make it better. It was much safer for Shiro if Novae was there with him rather than him being alone in the Castle.

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