The Beginning of Her Legend

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The stars shone brightly above in the night sky, which unlike many other skies, was lit up by the trillions of stars that glittered in its darkness. Even though it was night, the sky still shone brightly as if it was midday. And even during the day, only two stars shone the brightest while the people were awake.

It wasn't a rare occurrence in the universe, but it was truly a sight to behold. To watch as the two suns in the solar system rose over the horizon. Soon, the hours of night melted away, allowing the suns to shine in the bright azure sky that hovered over the single planet in the system. It was the only planet that had the constitution that survive and more over, thrive with the two suns that the planet orbited.

This planet shone brightly as if it were a jewel, the grass being as bright and beautiful as an emerald, while the waters were clearer than freshly cleaned glass. The clouds roamed the sky as the people of this planet awoke to start another day. Early in the morning you could smell the fresh bread from the bakery, ready to be sold to the hungry people of the town. You could hear the children waking up and complaining that they didn't want to go to school for their magic training. And the adults cleaning themselves up for their days at work.

But everyone was happy, for today was a very special day. The children would be let out of school early, the businesses in the town would be closed early and went the night would come, the people would celebrate with a big festival and fireworks and great tasting food with songs and dances.

What was the special event you ask? Well, it was the day that the two most powerful people of this planet were to expect their first born child. The two most powerful people of the planet were not like you believed that they could be. They were strong and kind and thought of their people before they thought of themselves. Even after they rose in society, they lived in the town like they did as children.

The children in the town hurried to the school training grounds, preparing to study their magic. It was tradition for children when they came of age that they would go through a ceremony to determine their type of magic. Magic was very much embraced on this planet, and no matter what kind of magic a child would get, it would be seen as beautiful. And even if a child had no magic, they would been as special as well, and given a special tool for them to use magic that was naturally expelled from the planet's core.

Everyone could have magic at their fingertips, and that made everyone feel more included. In the planet's history, many people born with no natural magical abilities did incredible things that would put other natural magic users to shame. The children would study about the heroes without magic first when they began studying magic, to show the children that even those born without magic could do amazing things.

And today, another exceptional child would be born. And from this child's parents, the people expected that their child would be just as amazing.

Meanwhile, in the largest building on the planet, the happy couple expected their first born child. They sat in the master bedroom, the wife waiting for her child to be born while her husband was preparing a wonderful crib for their child.

Their bed was clad in clean white sheets and bedding that were decorated in beautiful blue embroidery. The pillows were pressed against the beautifully carved headboard to help the soon-to-be mother sit up comfortably. It was a lot, but the only the mother-to-be was only concerned with the child she was about to give birth to.

The father-to-be on the other hand, was a lot more nervous than his wife. He was constantly rearranging the crib he had made himself, wanting it to be the best for his child. They had decided that they didn't want to know the gender, so they made everything white and would change the color later to match the gender when the baby was born.

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