Our First Battle

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Shiro, Pidge and Novae stared at the monster in front of them, danger running down their spines. Novae felt her metal fist clench tightly, and she could her heart pounding in her ears, thumping away inside her chest.

'This is him...' she growled in her mind, 'This is the one who almost killed us. And they seem to have fixed his eyes. But I won't let him hurt anyone else.'

The Galran monster activated, its eyes glowing as it looked down at the three Paladins and locked onto them.

"Get to your Lions!" Shiro ordered.

As Shiro and Pidge ran to their Lions, Novae turned towards her Lion.

"Gold, transport now!" She shouted.

"As you wish, Young Star."

Novae closed her eyes as her body was engulfed with a flash of golden light. The next thing she knew, she was opening her eyes inside of the Gold Lion cockpit.

The Galran monster lifted its right arm into the arm, the weapon connected to his hand glowing with dark electricity. The weapon formed into an orb and the monster threw it towards the three Lions. Thankfully, the Lions were able to dodge the attack before they could be hit.

However, the monster had more tricks to play. Using the base of the weapon, the monster was able to direct the orb in different directions.

It swung the orb towards the Green Lion, who fired a laser in order to counter the attack. But the laser wasn't strong enough. It only clouded the orb with a thick layer of smoke before the Green Liom was thrown back by it.

Pidge groaned as he landed harshly on the hard Arus surface. As Pidge tried to grab his barrings, the monster began to run towards the Green Lion.

Novae saw this and pushed her Lion towards the Green one, landing in front of it so that she may protect her comrade.

"You will not hurt anymore of my comrades!" Novae shouted, firing a powerful laser at the monster. As soon as the laser touched the monster, it pushed him back, but only a few yards.

The laser stopped firing only a few moments later. The Black Lion advantage of the moment of weakness and jumped onto the monster's back, latching onto its neck in order to get a good hold on it.

The Galran monster grabbed the Lion and threw it over the Gold and Green Lions. Just before the monster could strike again, a barrage of lasers fired from the sky. The monster looked up and saw the Blue and Red Lions firing at him.

"Lay down some covering fire so they can get out of there!" Keith shouted, the Red Lion firing another laser.

"I'm on it." Lance said, firing with the Blue Lion's tail.

"Check this out! Battle-lion head-butt!" Hunk shouted, his running on the ground and head-butting the monster from the back. The monster stumbled forward and fell to its hands and knees.

"You guys okay down there?" Keith asked.

"Still alive for now." Shiro answered, making everyone sigh in relief. The Black, Green and Gold Lions flew up and hovered in the sky with the other Lions.

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