Chapter 8

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When I woke up, Gibbs was sitting by my bed again. He gave me a cup of some drink called Caf-POW. It was a sort of soft drink filled with caffeine. Apparently, I loved it 'before I lost my memory'.

"Can you prove to me that I lost my memory?" I asked him.

"No. But you have to believe us. It will all come back at some point," said Gibbs.

"Well, actually—" started DiNozzo but was silenced by a slap on the back of the head.

"We are going to try something different to get your memory back!" said a small man, entering the room.

"This is Doctor Mallard," said Gibbs.

"Please, call me Ducky!" said the doctor, "Anyway, what we are going to do is take you to the NCIS headquarters and see if that helps at all!"

I nodded and stood up. I grabbed my crutches and walked towards the door after Ducky.

We arrived at the headquarters in no time at all. We went into the Squad Room and Gibbs got me to sit down at a desk. My desk. I could tell that because it had pictures of my parents and letters from my friends back in Scotland. They said they were missing me, hoped to see me soon and were sorry about what had happened to my parents. So Gibbs had been telling the truth. My parents were dead.

There was something at the back of my mind that seemed to have something to do with all of this. I couldn't remember what, though. It was annoying. Well, annoying is an understatement.

"Can you remember anything?" asked Gibbs.

"Sorry, Agent Gibbs... I don't remember anything," I said.

I opened one of the drawers on my desk to find it full of Jolly Ranchers. I put a blue one in my mouth and opened another drawer. It had my badge in it. A phone was sitting next to my computer which was on. I looked at the home screen on it and found that the desktop picture was of me, Gibbs, DiNozzo and another man and woman.

"That's McGee and that's Ziva," said Gibbs, pointing at the photo.

I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes, trying desperately to remember something. Anything.

Then I remembered the kidnapper. I remembered seeing my parents murdered and being held in a shack in the woods. That was all, though.

"What is it?" asked Gibbs.

"Nothing..." I said. I didn't want to get his hopes up that I might remember him and his team.

It seemed he had been telling the truth, though. I knew these people and my parents were dead. It felt like my whole world was crashing down around me. My parents were dead.

"Have they been buried yet?" I asked Gibbs.

"No... They are going to be buried in Scotland and they will send you a letter when it's happening. They said it may take a while," said Gibbs.

I nodded and stood up.

"We should take you back to the hospital now," said Ducky.

With that, we went into Gibbs' car again and he drove back to the hospital.

I went to my room after I had been checked in again and lay down. I knew I knew all of them, I just couldn't remember them, no matter how hard I tried.

Frowning, I lay back in the bed staring at the wall. I would remember them. Even if I had to stay up all night trying.


Short, I know... SORRY! As promised, Ducky is in it and he will be in it much more from now on. I will also be starting a new Hogwarts story as promised and maybe a new chapter of Hawaii Five-0! This may be a bit of a muddle... I am also now starting Orchestra, as well as two Concert Bands, a Guitar Group, Tenor Horn lessons and Guitar lessons so I will need to be practicing my music A LOT. One of the Concert Bands is going up to Perth for a competition some time this year! The Scottish Finals of the contest! This may not leave a lot of time for writing but I'll try!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!


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