Chapter 21

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He kept me on that chair all night. I didn't sleep in fear that I would never wake up again.

He kept the camera on too. All night people got to watch me slowly crumble as I thought about my imminent death. 

I spent quite a lot of time imagining Tony bursting in surrounded by armed police, rescuing me and killing my captor. That is what stopped me from breaking down completely, although I was hanging by a thread. 

All night, I just sat there. I didn't move a muscle, I tried to hide how I was really feeling. Although, I couldn't hide the fear and hopelessness in my eyes.

My eyes were heavy and I felt weaker than I ever had before, but I wasn't going to give in to the pull of sleep. 

From my estimation, it was around midday when the door swung open and light filled the room. My kidnapper walked in looking well-groomed and loading a gun. 

He walked over to stand next to me and proceeded to clean out his gun. 

"I do hope you are looking forward to this, Agent Gibbs. I know I am!" he grinned, "I'll take great joy in pulling the trigger and watching Miss Lees's brains spill out across the floor."

I heard the click of the gun as he loaded it and finally all my fear left me. 

I was still scared, of course, but I now saw there was no way of stopping it. It was going to happen, whether I liked it or not, so I might as well accept it. 

I felt the cool metal press against my temple and I took a sharp breath in. 

This was it. My final moment. And I was finally ready. 

Sure, I didn't believe in it but maybe I would see my parents again. I would get to spend eternity with them. 

It's funny how knowing you are going to die changes your perspective of things. 

I heard the gun click and I braced myself. If he aimed correctly, it would be quick. 

I closed my eyes then I heard a bang, but it came from outside the door. The gun moved away from my head and I opened my eyes to see my captor opening the door, the armed guards following him. 

He stepped outside and there were two loud gunshots and the guards fell to the ground. 

My captor backed into the room again with someone else pointing a gun at his head. 

"Tony!" I yelled happily through my gag. 

"No one messes with my friend. No one," there was a gunshot and the man crumpled to the floor. 

I saw police officers standing at the door as Tony ran over to me. He untied me and hugged me tightly. 

"I thought I'd lost you. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. Thank god you're alright," he whispered into my ear, "I'm so sorry. I should have been more prepared. Oh, Molly."

"It's okay," I said, hugging him back. 

I felt tears stream down my face but this time they weren't because of fear, they were tears of happiness. 

One of the police officers turned off the camera and Tony picked me up. 

"We should get you to the hospital. The others are making their way over," he was gripping me tightly, as if he was refusing to ever let me go again. 

"How did you find me?" I asked. 

"We'll talk about it later but for now you need to rest," he said. 

NCIS: The New RecruitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon