Chapter 50

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"You're safe," Matt gripped me tightly.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I couldn't think of another way."

"As long as you're safe now, I don't care," he examined my hands, "Animals..."

"Hey, I'm OK," I smiled, "Don't worry. At least I was the only one injured, everybody else is just a bit shaken up."

"Shaken up and indebted to you," he smiled.

"Nah, I don't want recognition. I'm just happy knowing I did it," I grinned.

"Molly, I don't know anybody who would have been brave enough to do what you did. Don't be too humble. Are you ready to go home?" he asked, "They've chartered a special plane. It's ready when you are."

"I'm ready," I smiled, "Gibbs'll be worried."

"He's called me twelve times in the last two hours. He'll be thrilled to see you safe," Matt laughed, "Let's get going."

Some time later, we landed in the United States. Gibbs was waiting for us and hugged me tighter than he ever had before.

"Don't ever do that again. I gave you a direct order and you ignored it," he sighed, "I can't bear seeing this happen again."

"You always say, it's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission," I sighed, "I'm sorry, Gibbs. I couldn't sit by and watch my friends be taken like that. If I hadn't done it, they would have been gone before help arrived."

"Molly..." he said quietly.

"I know I shouldn't have ignored your orders, but I don't regret it. Not one bit," I said.

"Let's go home," he said and drove us all to his place. Matt's mum had gone on holiday because he was away so he stayed the night with us.

"Molly, oh my god," Abby ran up to me the next day, hugging me tightly, "I was so worried. Why would you do that? You could have died! I was worried sick, I've never seen Gibbs look so worried!"

She let me go and slapped my good shoulder.

"Ow, Abby?" I gave her a hurt look.

"Don't ever do that again!" she said.

"Go easy, Abbs," Tony came up behind her, "We can have a go at her once she's recovered a bit."

"What, no telling off from you?" I asked, grinning.

"I'm just relieved to see you alive," he said quietly, "I'll save the telling off until you look less of a mess."

I hugged him and smiled.

"Molly, someone is here to see you," Gibbs said into my ear before pulling me after him.

"Who?" I asked, following him.

"No idea, Vance says its important," he said.

I got up the stairs with his assistance and we made our way to Vance's office.

"Agent Lees, I'm glad to see you up again," it was the two men from when I first woke up.

"Thanks," I said quietly, frowning at their appearance as Gibbs left me.

"We told you we would be seeing you again," the first man smiled, "We're here to give you thanks from the President for what you did."

"The... President?" I repeated.

"Indeed," the second man said, "But he wants to thank you in person. Which is why you are being invited to the White House in order to receive the Presidential Citizen Medal for your bravery."

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