Chapter 32

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I was walking Atticus with Matt after school one day and he told me he was going to Italy to meet up with his dad.

"But I know you're going through a tough time now, and Samantha and that might jump in if I'm not there, so I could give the ticket to my older brother..." I held up my hand to stop him.

"Dude, you barely ever get to see your dad. I'm not taking you away from your family just because I don't think I can cope for a fortnight on my own. Go, have fun, don't worry about me. I can take care of Samantha," I smiled.

"If you're sure," he smiled.

I got a text from Matt saying he was sorry the day that he left. I replied saying I would be fine and not to worry but to enjoy his holiday.

I walked slowly into the gates, preparing myself for the inevitable. Matt wasn't here to back me up and Samantha had promised to get revenge.

Most of the day was quiet, but I could sense they were waiting for the opportune moment. When no teachers could intervene.

I was walking home as the team were busy and as soon as I walked into the empty back street, I heard the foot fall behind me of a group of people.

"Hey, hold up!" the easily recognisable voice called.

"What do you want?" I asked, turning around to face them. Kirsty stood there with them, a nasty look on her face.

"To talk to you," Samantha said, walking towards me.

"Go ahead," I said shortly.

"You don't have Matt here to protect you now," she grinned, "I can do whatever I like."

"Whatever," I turned to walk away from her but she grabbed my shoulder, turning me around.

"Don't walk away from me," she hissed, "I'll make you pay for making me look like a fool in front of everyone."

Her boyfriend and his lackeys, who were standing behind Samantha and her friends, stepped forward menacingly.

"What, too scared to do the dirty work yourself?" I asked mockingly as the two guys grabbed my arms.

"No, I just think it will have more of an effect if Toby does it," she smiled sweetly, "I'm sure you'll get the message either way."

Suddenly, I saw stars and my nose burned, something wet flowing freely from it.

"That the best you can do?" I laughed weakly.

"Oh, I'm sure he can do better," Samantha said.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then again on my face. I groaned in pain, only not keeling over because I was being held in place. After a few more painful blows, they let go of me and I fell to the ground, hissing as I hit the hard gravel.

Toby picked me up by my shirt suddenly, staring at me angrily.

"Go get yourself cleaned up. You won't tell anyone about this, or else," he growled before throwing me to the ground again, the lot of them walking away again, laughing nastily.

I groaned as I sat up, wiping the blood off of my nose. It was still flowing freely and I knew I would have to get myself cleaned up or Tony and Gibbs would go crazy. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I preferred to suffer in silence and let them worry about things that actually mattered.

I nipped into the corner shop and saw the shop assistants eyebrows go up in shock when she saw my face.

"Do you have any make-up that will cover this?" I asked and she produced some natural make-up.

"Thanks," I said, quickly paying for it. I went round the corner and opened my camera, applying the make-up. When I was done, I looked just like I had done in the morning.

My nose had stopped bleeding so I managed to wipe off the dried blood too. Hopefully nobody would notice the difference, unless they were being very observant.

When I got home, McGee was waiting for me.

"Hey, Gibbs told me to pick you up," he smiled as I got in the car.

Tony grinned at me as I walked into NCIS.

"How was school?" he asked.

"Alright," I said, "Nothing special."

"Nobody bother you?" he asked.

"Nope," I lied, sitting down at my desk.

"Molly, up here please," the director called from above.

I frowned but walked upstairs. What could he possibly want?

"Take a seat," he said as I walked into his office, "I've called you up to ask you something. Do you think you need a counsellor?"

"No, sir. I can cope," I said, trying to give a convincing smile.

"If you're sure, but if you do change your mind, my door is always open," I smiled at him again and left the room, heading for the toilets.

Pulling the make up out of my bag, I quickly applied it onto the almost visible bruises. Gibbs was good at noticing things so I just hoped he wouldn't be so observant today.

"You know, I can tell you don't want anyone to know what's happening here, so I'll cut you a deal," Samantha said, "We won't bother you at school, we'll leave your face alone. In exchange, you must come here every day after school, and I can decide what revenge I will be giving you. You made a fool of me in front of the school, and I don't take that lightly. If you don't agree to this, believe me, I will make your life more of a living hell than it is already."

Defeated, I nodded. I mean, either way they were going to beat me up. I may as well take the easy option.

Suddenly, I collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain. The pain shot through my sides time after time, but I just lay there. If this meant it was less likely for Gibbs to be involved, I would take it.

After a while, they left me lying there. I was breathing heavily and slowly sat up, wincing in pain. I picked up my bag and slowly shuffled back to Gibbs' house.

Atticus jumped up on me, knocking me down. I gritted my teeth and pushed him off, breathing out sharply.

"Not now, boy," I sighed, petting him lightly.

I walked through to the bathroom and lifted up my shirt, examining the marks. Half of my side was covered in bruises from previous encounters, while the other half was red raw and promising to become bruised.

Sighing, I lowered my shirt and looked at my face. It was healing well and soon enough I wouldn't have to be wearing the make-up. I guess I got a good deal, even though I realised Samantha was only doing it to save her own skin.

I took Atticus out on a quick walk, wincing every time he pulled to hard on his lead.

Gibbs was waiting in the drive when I got back.

"Everything OK today?" he asked and I nodded.

He drove to NCIS and we sat in silence. I hoped he didn't sense anything was off and tried to act casual, even though I knew how annoyed he would be if he found out I was lying.

The next few weeks were filled with beatings. My whole side was black and blue, and I had to be extremely careful when moving so that I didn't accidentally lift up my shirt and show the bruises. Matt was still in Italy for another week and I felt miserable, but I tried my hardest not to show it. I helped solve cases as normal and pretended as though it was just the usual day of work and school, nothing going wrong. And they believed it.

A part of me wished one of them would get suspicious. Think that Samantha's supposed change of heart was very sudden and investigate a bit, but nobody did.

I was alone.

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