Chapter 20

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I searched the floor for something that could cut my bonds. After fumbling through the darkness for a few minutes, my fingers closed around something. It was a sharp rock. 

I desperately hoped the room didn't have any cameras as I tried to cut the rope with the sharp edges of the rock. It was hard enough as it was pitch black, but as my hands were behind my back, it was even more difficult. 

My hands were wet with blood so the rock slipped from my fingers, hitting the floor with a bang that echoed around the room. 

I froze until I was sure the guards hadn't heard it then I tried to find it again. 

After around fifteen minutes of furious cutting, the ropes finally snapped. I struggled out of them and rubbed my wrists that were hot with the rope burn. Slowly standing up so I didn't put any weight on my bad foot, I studied the room again. It seemed there was definitely no other way out than the door so I went over to the wall and slumped against it. 

As my hand fell I felt a stone fall at the same time. 

"Loose rocks," I whispered. 

I tried to find the point that it came from and found a small cluster of loose rocks. I pulled them out and found it was enough for me to look through and hear what was happening, although it was barely visible.

Next to me was another room. It looked like an office of some sort and as I glanced at the desk, I saw it was my kidnappers office. 

He was sitting there, reading a newspaper. I looked at the front page and I gasped quietly.
It was my face. It was a picture that McGee had taken of me in the office. 

I remembered the day clearly. We had just solved a case and we were relaxing in the office. Gibbs was staring furiously at his computer screen as he tried to make his computer work and Tony was cracking rubbish jokes. 

He had just told one that was so bad it was hilarious and I was in stitches. McGee, who had just bought a brand new camera, decided he was going to test it out and chose to take a picture of me. It was a photo of me looking carefree, like any seventeen year old should.

That was certainly not the case now. 

He looked at the front cover and gave out a loud laugh. 

"They honestly think they are going to find her in time! Imbeciles... I shall get my revenge no matter how hard they try to prevent it from happening," he said to himself. 

I replaced the rock softly so he didn't notice and I leaned back against the wall. I had no idea where he had taken me, but at least I know the whole of the UK is on the lookout. Surely someone saw something. 

A small hatch in the door clanged open and a tray of food was pushed in. I scrambled over to grab it. They obviously knew I had managed to untie myself. 

At least they weren't going to let me starve to death, probably something much more horrible.
I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I found myself staring at the piece of bread and glass of water. I was about to eat it when I realised that this was too... nice.

He could have drugged it or any number of horrible things, so I decided I would try to forget my hunger and ignore the pull of the bread. 

Instead, I would focus on getting out. 

I remembered Tony's promise. His words rang in my ears. 

I will find you. I will always find you. 

I sure hoped he would. 

I was about to start looking around again when the door swung open. 

"Not hungry?" my captor asked, walking towards me, "What a shame! This would have been much easier if you were!"

"What do you mean?" I asked, retreating slightly. 

He laughed slightly and I felt myself press against the wall. 

I saw him raise his arm and everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair with a camera pointed at me. My legs and arms were bound to the chair and I had been gagged with a filthy rag. 

Two armed guards stood behind me and my captor next to me. The room obviously used to be white, but it was so covered in grime you could hardly tell anymore. 

"Good day, people of Britain and America. You may recognise the person on the chair next to me," he grinned down at me and I realised what was inevitably going to happen soon. 

"You might wonder of my motive," he continued, "What kind of person would kidnap a child? Well, I have motive. About two decades ago, my country was at war with itself. The UK and the U.S. came to help, but they could not distinguish between the civilians and the people they were meant to be fighting. 

"A group of British and American soldiers came to my village. Then, our enemies attacked. The soldiers opened fire, killing multiple civilians in the process. I witnessed two men, one American and one British, gun down my daughter. 

"I have already killed the Brit and his wife, but his daughter managed to escape. The American's wife and daughter have already been killed, it seems, and since I cannot get to him, he seems to care for his friend's child like his own. The child I should have killed a year ago. 

"I now speak to you, Agent Gibbs. You shall watch this child die. You will watch her die and know it is the third child you have failed to protect, despite the promises you made. You promised to protect your own daughter, my daughter, and your friend's and you shall have failed all three times. You will know the pain I felt when I watched my own daughter die. You will never stop hating yourself as you didn't manage to get there in time. 

"Everyone shall watch as I kill this child tomorrow. You will watch as I show no mercy in executing her. Tomorrow at noon I shall broadcast across the world the execution of the child of my daughter's killer. And nothing shall stop me."

My eyes widened and fear overtook my senses. A single tear rolled down my face as I silently prayed for Gibbs to find me before it was too late. 

The determination I had once felt was gone. The hope I had felt was gone too. I had been kidnapped before and managed to get away, but this was different. This man was more determined. He was ready to get his revenge and I was the last way he could do so. 

I felt all the strength seep from my body as I realised the truth. 

There was no hope in being rescued.
Hey look! An update!
I apologise for the shortness of it.
Anyway, enjoy!

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