Chapter 40

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I guess you could call this a filler chapter, so I apologise that it is like the shortest chapter ever! Two really short ones in a row! I recognise some might find it a bit weird, but think of it as an illness induced hallucination or something...

It's just a midweek chapter so that's the reason it's so short. I'll still update sometime this weekend (providing I don't get heaps of homework)! Enjoy!


I opened my eyes to find myself in the same room, only this time it was dark and empty.

I sat up slowly and grinned as I realised I felt fine.

"Dr Ryan? Matt? Gibbs?" I called but there was no reply.

I frowned before realising two figures were stood at the end of the room. I squinted, getting my eyes to adjust to the darkness before I felt sadness and shock overtake me.

"Mum? Dad?" my voice was barely a whisper, the shock clear in it.

They moved forward, faces smiling. No trace of the fear that I saw when I had last seen them.

I moved my legs over the edges of the bed, standing up carefully and stepping towards them. I moved slowly, cautiously. I couldn't understand what was going on. Was I...

I froze. Had I died?

"Molly," I looked up to see my parents right in front of me.

"You're... Dead... You can't..." I stammered before leaping forward and wrapping my arms around them.

"But you're not," my dad whispered into my shoulder, "And you still have time."

"You have two options," they pulled back and my mum addressed me, "You... You can die in your sleep, leave everyone behind and finally be at peace. Or you can fight it, and go back. Live out your life, the good and the bad."

"You have to go back, you have to wake up," my dad smiled, tears in his eyes, "Your time is not yet up. You have things to live for. Don't live in the past, move forward, live your life."

He let go of my hand and both of them moved backwards, fading out.

"I still have time..." I whispered.

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