Chapter 49

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Once we landed, we received a safety talk.

"Stay in your groups, if we stop stay on the bus. Never leave without telling anyone your position and report any suspicious activity immediately," the teacher said.

"That's reassuring," Matt said as we settled on the bus together.

"Standard talk," I smiled, "Nothing to worry about. Let's enjoy this."

We were eight hours away from the school and had a long bus journey ahead of us.

We stopped four hours into the journey for a toilet break.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Matt, grinning.

"What?" he yawned. He'd slept the entire journey.

"Come on, I'm sure I saw something," I said, dragging him towards the dense forest.

We went inside far enough that we could just see the bus.

"There, look!" I whispered, pointing at a creature that moved before Matt could even see it.

"Really? You dragged me into the dangers of the forest for that thing?" he grinned before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me.

"You arse! I'll be honest, I just wanted to get you alone," I laughed before kissing him back.

We broke apart when the sound of gunfire came from the direction of the bus. I could hear yelling in Arabic and dropped to the floor with Matt.

We inched forward to see our classmates and teachers being led by a group of armed men.

"Let's follow them, see where they go. We'll come back after to try and contact Gibbs," I whispered and we army crawled through the forest, watching the men with guns as they prodded our friends.

They took them into a warehouse a short distance from the bus.

"They must have heard us. Stupid place to stop..." I sighed, "There are too many of them, we have to call Gibbs."

Matt nodded and we ran back to the bus. When we got there, there were two men. One in the bus and one keeping guard outside, but he had his back to us.

"Keep quiet, I'll knock him out," I grabbed a large branch and inched towards the man.

I hit him with enough force that he was on the ground before he could make a sound. I grabbed his gun and tossed his dagger to Matt, just in case.

I could hear the man inside calling for the man I had just knocked out. I moved him away from the door and his round the side, stick raised and ready to strike.

The man stepped outside and I walloped him. He collapsed immediately too, my training must have paid off.

I grabbed his dagger and tossed his gun to Matt.

"I'm going to grab the phone, stay low. If anybody comes, hide and try and get the phone yourself afterwards," I whispered.

Thankfully, it didn't come to that, but only just. I had grabbed the phone and we ran into the forest just as another group came towards the bus.

"They know somebody is out here," I whispered, "Run."

We ran till we were halfway between the warehouse and the bus and stopped.

"We need to get Gibbs," Matt panted. He was gripping the gun tightly and looked determined, "We need to help the others."

"I'll call him," I quickly pressed the buttons and brought the phone to my ear.

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