Chapter 34

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He walked me to Tony's car. We walked in silence, unsure of what to say.

Just before we reached the car, he turned to me.

"That was... Good..." he said.

"Yeah..." I replied, "I guess I'll see you Monday."

"Yeah... Bye..." he walked off, seeming slightly dazed, and I got into the car.

I guess I'll see you Monday? Seriously? I just kissed him and that's the best I could come up with?

"You look kinda red, and you're late? What happened?" Tony looked worried.

"What?" I looked at him as if I just realised he was there before composing myself, "Oh, yeah. Samantha left a note in my locker so Matt took me to the principal. He's going to deal with it."

"That's great!" Tony smiled at me before driving off.

As soon as I walked in, Ziva was frowning at me.

"I know that look," she said quietly, walking towards my desk, "Who was it?"

"What?" I was taken aback.

"Don't pretend. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You just had your first kiss," she gave me a knowing grin, "Tell me who it was, or I'll get Tony on your case."

"You promise you won't tell?" I asked. Tony did not need to know.

"I swear," she smiled, "Girls stick together in a place filled with testosterone."

I lowered my voice, "It was Matt."

Ziva looked shocked before composing herself.

"Was he good?" I nodded.

"It was amazing, but does not get mentioned by you ever again," I smiled at her and she winked.

"What are you whispering about?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, Tony. Just talking about how good you look in that shirt," Ziva said.

"Oh, thanks! I just bought i- Hey!" he finally caught on that she was being sarcastic.

"You know, we might have been whispering for a reason," she grinned at him before returning to her desk.

My phone buzzed.

Hey x

Hey x

I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight? x

Two mins x

I looked up to see Gibbs walk in.

"Boss?" he looked up at me, "I was wondering if we were busy tonight?"

He shook his head.

"Why?" he asked.

"I was going to meet up with Matt," I told him and he frowned.

"Remember what happened last time," he said.

"We'll be in a crowded place, I promise," I said, "It'll be fine."

"Ok," he said, returning to his computer so I took out my phone again.

Yeah, I'm free! Where should we go? x

I know a good restaurant. It's quite posh, I'll pick you up at 7 x

See you then x

I had two hours to get ready, so I decided I would head now.

"He wants to meet now," I told Gibbs when I received a questioning look. He would be suspicious if I was taking this long to get ready.

"I'll drive her," Ziva spoke up, grabbing her keys and coat.

"See you tomorrow," Tony said, frowning as we left.

"Bye Tony," I said.

"Do you have a dress?" Ziva asked and I nodded, going over to my wardrobe.

I picked out a black dress with red flower patterns that went down to my knees. I had worn it to a wedding once.

She nodded in approval.

"I'm going to have a shower," I said.

"I'll look out some makeup," she grinned at me. Apparently, she was loving this.

I spent about twenty minutes in the shower, washing my hair, shaving and clearing the dirt out of my fingernails.

When I got out, I wrapped myself in a bathrobe and proceeded to cut my nails and dry my hair.

When I walked out, I had less than an hour left. Ziva applied some makeup and when I looked in the mirror, I was quite surprised at how nice I looked.

"You look beautiful," she said as she handed me the dress.

I quickly got changed and we walked through to the living room. Atticus jumped up on the sofa next to me and Ziva headed to the door.

"Have fun!" she grinned as she left.

I grabbed a handbag, placing my purse and phone inside it. I hoped I wasn't too dressed up, but he had said it was posh.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Letting out a deep breath, I went over to it and opened it.

Matt was stood there wearing a tux.

"You look beautiful," he said and I smiled.

He held out his arm and I took it. He opened the taxi door and helped me in before joining me.

"So, a fancy restaurant? Doesn't that mean it'll be really expensive?" I asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry. My family is minted," he smiled and I relaxed. This was going to be amazing.

We were dropped off at a high end restaurant with a fancy French name. The waiter led us to our reserved table for two and Matt pulled out my chair to let me sit down.

All of the dinner options were really fancy foods and I elected to go with a lobster tail and Matt chose a fancy chicken dish.

While we waited for our food, we chatted.

"So, how are your driving lessons going?" Matt asked.

"Great, thanks. After a multitude of lessons, I'm ready to do my test next week!" I grinned.

"Awesome! I'm the week after! Fingers crossed, eh?" he laughed.

We ate our meal, chatting away happily. Everything went fantastically and we went back to mine still laughing away. 

He helped me out of the taxi and kissed me on the cheek as a goodnight.

Thankfully, Gibbs wasn't home yet so I had time to make myself look dishevelled again. I changed into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, making myself a cup of tea and settling on the sofa, Atticus lying next to me with his head on my lap.

An hour later, Gibbs walked.

"Have a good night?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks! It was amazing," I smiled.

"Good, good," he smiled lightly.

He went through to his room, leaving me to finish off my tea and head to bed with Atti.

It had been a brilliant day.

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