Chapter 26

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I walked into NCIS the next morning late since I had a lie in after another restless night and Gibbs walked up to me.

"Go see Ducky," he said with no other explanation.

"Ok?" I said before going over to the elevator to go down to autopsy.

"Hey Molly!" Jimmy Palmer said.

"Hey Palmer," I smiled, "Where's Ducky?"

"Just back there," he smiled at me before going back to whatever he was doing.

"Thanks," I said before going towards where he pointed me.

"Aah, Molly," Ducky smiled at me.

"Hey Ducky," I said, "You called?"

"Yes, I did," he said, "I wanted to say well done for telling Gibbs what was really going on."

"Well, he gave me that Gibbs stare and I couldn't really not... I could see how hurt he was that I wasn't telling him what had happened," I said, "I couldn't stand it, seeing that every time he looked at me."

"Yes, well," Ducky said, "He is a man of few words, but his expression does say everything that needs to be said."

I laughed lightly.

"That was all I needed to say," he told me, "But do remember that you can always confide in me, my dear!"

"Thanks Duck," I said before leaving the autopsy room.

When I went back upstairs, Tony was waiting for me.

"Did those girls bother you after I left?" he asked.

"No, they left us alone," I told him, "Thanks for that, by the way."

"No problem," Tony smiled.

"Hey Molly," McGee smiled as I walked into the squad room.

"Hey Tim," I smiled, sitting down at my desk, "I forgot to say, thank you for last night. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Oh, it was nothing," McGee smiled, "He helped you, so why shouldn't we help him?"

"Anyway, I'm grateful," I smiled.

He turned back to whatever he was doing when Ziva walked in.

"Hey Ziva," Tony said, "What's shackalackin'?"

"What does 'shackalacking' mean?" she asked, confused.

"Howdy! How's it going? What's cookin'? What's shakin'? What's it do, home skillet?" Tony grinned at the puzzled look on her face.

"Americans are strange beings," she said.

"Tell me about it!" I laughed then I made the mistake of quoting a movie, "'They come from another world.'"

"'We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty'," Tony said in a slightly deeper voice.

"Firefly? Really?" I laughed.

"'Why don't you smegging well smeg off, you annoying little smeggy smegging smegger!" Tony said to me, laughing, and I was about to retaliate when I saw a familiar face floating just over Tony's shoulder.

I attempted to hide my laughter and Tony's face fell when he realised what I was finding so funny.

"Hey boss..." he trailed off as Gibbs' hand smacked him hard on the back of the head.

Gibbs then moved past him, going to his desk and Tony mouthed the words 'damn you' at me with Ziva giving him a thumbs up.

"Gear up, we've got a dead marine," he said and I grabbed my things.

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