Chapter 9

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I didn't sleep at all that night. I was desperately trying to remember everyone but I couldn't.

Gibbs and McGee came in that afternoon. I felt happy I could say who he was but I still couldn't remember him.

"Molly... McGee has had an idea but I wanted to ask you first," said Gibbs then he nodded at McGee.

"Well, I have a friend at the NCIS base in Los Angeles called Nate and I was speaking to him last night," said McGee, "He is a Psychologist so I asked him if he has any idea how we can get your memory back. He had an idea. On his team right now he has a sixteen-year-old girl called Ellie and he thinks talking to someone new, like her, might help! He gave me her Skype name if you want to give it a go? He thinks talking to her would be good because she is also the youngest in her team!"

"McGee, I thought Nate was somewhere in Europe just now? Not at the NCIS base in LA," said Gibbs.

"Hetty sends him updates! I was Skyping him!" said McGee and Gibbs nodded.

"So, what do you say?" asked Gibbs.

"Yes, anything if it'll help me get my memory back!" I said.

"OK, we have permission to take you out of the hospital if you are left with a responsible adult," said Gibbs.

"Unfortunately, you're staying with Tony but they don't need to know that," said McGee.

Gibbs smiled slightly and shook his head and I laughed quietly.

I arrived at Tony's house and McGee helped me set up Skype. He sent a request to the girl, Ellie, and we waited. In a few moments, the request was accepted and she was online.

McGee pressed the video call button. Within a few moments, a sixteen-year-old girl was staring at me from the screen.

"Hello!" she said smiling.

"Hey!" I replied.

"How're you doing?" she asked.

"Good thanks! You?" I said.

"Good thanks!" she said, "So, what can I help you with?"

"Hello Ellie!" said McGee, "I'm Special Agent McGee! This is Special Agent Lees but she has lost her memory. Me and Nate were thinking, maybe talking to you could help her get it back!"

"How?" she asked.

"Well, you're the youngest member in your team too," said McGee, "And... Well, it was Nate's idea!"

"I'll give it a go!" said Ellie.

"Thanks!" I said, grinning.

"Well, I'll leave you to it!" said McGee, standing up and leaving.

"So... What can you remember?" asked Ellie.

"Well... I... I can remember my whole life, apart from just before I came to DC," I said.

"Right... What have you been told of what had happened?" she asked.

"Well... My parents were murdered in front of me, I was moved here, I joined NCIS, was kidnapped by some man then I escaped and I ended up collapsing on the floor then waking up with no memory of what happened." I said.

"Right... So you couldn't remember any of that?" she asked.

"No... I was told about it all!" I said.

"Okay, right... Time to begin!" she said, grinning, "Wait... How old are you?"

"Sixteen," I said.

"Sixteen and all that has happened to you..." she sighed, "Right! Well... Let's just talk like you would talk to any of your friends and see if that helps?"

"Ok!" I said and we spent hours talking.

After a few hours, I had remembered the murder and the kidnapping. I could remember quite a few events, just no people.

"Hello! Anything come back?" asked DiNozzo coming into the room.

"Hey!" I said at the same time as Ellie.

DiNozzo laughed then looked at me.

"Well... I can remember the murder... And the kidnapping... No people though," I sighed, "I wish I could though... I feel really bad."

"Don't!" said DiNozzo, "It's not your fault! But it is your bedtime! Go to sleep! You're not going to school for the next few weeks still. If you don't have your memory back by then, we're gonna have to put you back there!"

"Will I get to go back to Scotland again at any point?" I asked after I ended the call with Ellie.

"Well... If Ducky thinks it'll help, you will! He's not sure right now, though..." replied DiNozzo, "Now sleep!"

"Goodnight!" I said.

The next day Gibbs came round.

"Hey! I was told you'd remembered something!" he said.

With that, I explained to him what had happened during the kidnapping.

"Alright, thanks... If you remember anything else, call me!" he said then he gave me a Caf-POW and left.

"Right... OK... Home alone now... They're off solving cases..." I grinned, "Xbox!"

After half an hour of shooting down zombies, I got a video call.

"Hey! Cool game!" said Ellie as I switched the game off.

"Just beat the boss of that level!" I said.

"Cool! So, how's it going?" she asked.

"Good, good... You"' I replied.

"Aah, I'm alright! DiNozzo off solving cases?" she asked and I nodded.

"Here... I think I remembered something else... I dunno... It's something to do with Gibbs and Tony... And... And a shark," I said, "I don't know what it is! They never told me anything about a shark! I could just be making it up..."

"No... I'm sure they just didn't tell you because..." she stopped, "I dunno! Ask them!"

"What if I just made it up? I think the shark attacked me... I don't know why they wouldn't tell me about that!" I said.

"Maybe they didn't want to traumatize you!" said Ellie.

"Yeah, I suppose..." I said, "Anyway, that sounds like DiNozzo coming! Bye!"

I then closed Skype and lay back on my bed. Why would they not tell me about that?






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