Chapter 37

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The night of the show came and we were all nervous. Our narrator stepped on stage first and introduced the play before we commenced. Most of it was a blur.

"In my finger, you're the splinter!"

"I could do without you!"

"I think I'm gonna marry Harry!"

"I just blew in from the Windy City!"

"Tell me another one, tell me another one, oh my aching tooth! She's not exactly lying but she's careless with the truth!"

"Take me back to the Black Hills, the Black Hills of Dakota."

The only thing I could properly remember was the kiss. The reason I could remember it was because I was so nervous about it. I was nervous about the reactions it would get.

We leaned in and gave the most passionate kiss we had ever done. It was better than any rehearsals and it was amazing. Matt pulled me closer and my hands twisted into his hair, holding him tightly. It lasted quite a few seconds, the whole audience sitting in stunned silence, then we pulled apart and acted shocked and confused. Then we continued with our parts and it seemed to be over quite quickly after that.

The play concluded and when Matt and I walked onstage together, we got a standing ovation. It was the most amazing feeling. I think there should be a rule that everyone should get a standing ovation in their life.

The play concluded and we got changed before heading out into the crowd to meet our supporters.

When we walked over to our group, I noticed both Gibbs and Tony giving Matt a bit of a look. That didn't bode well for our announcement of a relationship, giving me all the more reason to hold off telling them. Everyone else was smiling brightly though, and Matt's dad had even managed to come home for the night to watch him perform.

"That was brilliant, guys!" everyone was saying.

Ducky came and clapped us both on the shoulder and Abby hugged us both tightly.

"That was brilliant! I loved it! You did it perfectly!" she said happily.

"Thanks Abby!" Matt grinned.

After the congratulations that seemed to take forever, Gibbs drove me home. An awkward feeling was in the air and I knew he was still peeved about the kiss.

"About-" I began but was cut off.

"You did well," he said.

"Thanks," I replied. Clearly he wasn't going to speak about it, but I could tell he was annoyed I didn't at least warn him.

After a few more minutes of silence, I spoke up.

"Why are you so annoyed about the kiss?" I asked.

No reply.

"I'm eighteen, I'm not a child!" I said.

"Molly..." he sighed, "How do you think your father would have reacted?"

"Not well, but..." he stopped me.

"Molly, listen to me. I view you as my daughter. I mean, my daughter died, your parents died... " he paused, "We were put together. I am your guardian, your parents trusted me with your life. I would give my life for you. Of course I'm going to treat you like a daughter and be overprotective, that's just how it is. When you first introduce me to your boyfriend, of course I will act coldly. If I see you kiss someone on stage, even though I know it's acting, of course I will act coldly to the other half. Just think how your dad would react before questioning my motives for doing these things next time."

That was the most I had heard Gibbs speak at one time.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise..." I said.

We were stopped at traffic lights and he stared at me softly.

"You and Matt are dating," he sighed.

"How did you...?" I asked.

"That kiss wasn't acting. I'm not an idiot," he smiled, "I'll try to be nice. He's a good kid. Just don't keep things like this from me next time.'

"I won't," I said.

Rule 26 - Remember that actions sometimes speak louder than words

"I'd like you to introduce us in that manner properly," Gibbs said.

"Of course. I'm sorry I kept it from you, I just wasn't sure how you would react," I said.

"It's OK, I understand," he pulled into the drive.

I took Atticus on a short walk before going to bed. They had thankfully been sensible and put the show on a Friday night, as I was exhausted. I was kinda glad it was a one time thing as I don't think I'd last doing the number of nights the professional do.

With Atticus jumping up onto my bed and snuggling in, his warm body soothing me, I drifted to sleep.

Gibbs wants to meet you as my boyfriend

Oh god, this would be awkward.

He knows?!?!

He worked it out


Is today OK?

Sure I'll come in fifteen

I put my phone down and went to warn Gibbs.

"Matt is coming in fifteen minutes," I said as he looked up, "Please be nice."

He nodded and returned to his paper.

Fifteen minutes later, Matt appeared.

"It'll be fine, he knows you already," I said when I saw how worried he looked.

He composed himself and we walked into the living room.

"Hello sir," Matt said, smiling at Gibbs.

"Hello Matt," Gibbs stood up and shook his hand, "Would you like a drink?"

"No thank you, sir," he said, sitting down next to me.

"So, how are you?" Gibbs asked.

Matt was about to reply when I stood up.

"I'll leave you to it, Atticus needs a walk," I said, calling him and picking up his lead, leaving them alone.

They both gave me looks of absolute panic when I left, which I thought was brilliant. I'd never seen Gibbs look so worried!

I returned an hour later to see Matt leaving.

"Bye Mr Gibbs!" he said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Molly."

He pet Atticus before hopping into his car and driving off.

"How'd it go?" I asked Gibbs as I walked into the room.

"He's a good kid," Gibbs said, "But it doesn't mean I like him."

"So does that mean I can't go on late night walks with him anymore?" I asked and received a look, "Tony can't know."

I couldn't even imagine what his reaction would be. Would he laugh it off, make fun of me, or would he turn way overprotective? I wasn't planning on finding out anytime soon and, much to my relief, Gibbs nodded in agreement before returning to his paper.

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