Chapter 6

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I was kept there for days. Maybe even months. I had lost track. The kidnapper, whoever he was, had taken the laptop and camera away so I hadn't heard Gibbs or Tony or anyone's voices in ages and they could no longer track the computer. It seemed he hadn't kept the chat on for long enough the first time, so they couldn't find us.

He had continued to torture me every day. I hadn't had a single bit of sleep since I was kidnapped, if you didn't include me being unconscious.

It wasn't only painful. He occasionally touched me lightly and, as these grew more frequent, when the pain came it was much worse.

Smack. The chair fell backwards and I landed on the floor for what seemed like the millionth time. I was too weak to even try and escape now.

There was a thump as his foot hit my face but I didn't cry out in pain. Not this time.

I was used to the pain. That in itself showed how much he had tortured me now.

But that day, I had a sudden surge of strength. I don't know what brought it about, but it worked.

I slipped my hands out of the ropes that had loosened over time and stood up. My kidnapper was surprised so I used that to my advantage. I punched him in the face and knocked him onto the floor. There was a door but I had no idea where it led, so I looked for a window.

There was one. It was small, but I was able to fit through it. It only took me a fraction of a second to make these decisions and the kidnapper was still on the floor. I ran towards the window and jumped through it, smashing the glass. I cut my hands and they were bleeding badly but I didn't care. I fell on the ground hard and I had to have dislocated my shoulder. I was covered in dirt already, but I had managed to get even dirtier.

I looked around quickly. It turned out it wasn't even a warehouse. It was a shack in the middle of the woods and it had a small river surrounding it.

I head the kidnapper swearing and decided it was definitely time to leave.

I jumped into the river and swam across it. It was surprisingly deep. Every move was an effort and I was getting weaker again, but I couldn't give up now.

I managed to get to the other end of the river and began running through the forest. Branches were scratching my hands and arms but I didn't care. I needed to get as far away from here as I could.

It seemed like an age before I managed to get out of the forest. When I did, I found myself staring right onto Washington DC from a cliff. It was a steep drop down but I couldn't see another way. I could hear faint shouting and knew it was now or never.

I lowered myself down the cliff slowly, making sure the handholds were stable. I lost my grip at one point and began to fall but managed to grab onto a rock before I hit the ground, in doing so hitting my ankle off another rock and cutting it. It was going to be broken.

I got to the bottom and began limping run towards the city. I would be able to find the NCIS Headquarters when I got in. I hoped.

Then the gunfire started. It seemed my kidnapper wasn't alone. One of the shots hit my arm but I ignored it and kept running. They weren't about to go down the cliff so they wouldn't have been able to reach me if I was walking, but it was better safe than sorry.

I got into the city and began to limp down the streets. I was covered in blood and dirt and I was still soaking wet, so I was getting some strange looks. I passed a wall that was covered in fliers. All of the same person. Me.



After that was the number for NCIS. So they were still looking for me. I smiled and continued walking.

"Are you alright?" came a voice behind me. It was a man who had a concerned expression on his face.

"Erm... Yeah... But could you please tell me the way to the NCIS Headquarters?" I asked him.

"Sure... just go along that road and turn right. It should be right in front of you!" he said, still looking rather concerned.

"Thank you so much!" I said and limped along the road.

He was right. Standing before me in all its glory was NCIS.

I just about collapsed there and then but managed to stagger into the building. I went on the lift to the floor where the Major Case Response Team was stationed and walked over to the desks. In reception, there were loads of shocked expressions and raised eyebrows, but thankfully no-one stopped me. The lift was mercifully empty so I had time to think. Would the kidnapper come after me or would he go with his promise of there being consequences? I wondered what the consequences would be, hoping he wouldn't hurt anyone.

Gibbs was sitting at his desk when I came up, staring at my empty desk. So were Tony, McGee and Ziva and they all had the same vacant expressions, as though they were deep in thought. No-one had noticed me, yet.

"Hey," I said quietly but they didn't hear me.

I cleared my throat a bit louder and Gibbs sighed.

"What?" he said, a bit annoyed. He hadn't even looked over to me yet.

"Miss me?" I said and they all looked in my direction, shocked.

"Molly!" said Gibbs and he stood up, hugging me tightly. He must have missed me.

"We thought you were dead!" said Ziva.

"Well, you certainly look dead!" said Tony, frowning.

"Yeah, I think we should take you to the hospital," said McGee.

"Yeah..." I said, feeling really faint.

"Are you alright?" asked Ziva and then I collapsed on the floor and everything went black.

I woke up in the hospital feeling much better. Gibbs was standing over me and Tony, Ziva and McGee were standing at the end of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" asked Gibbs.

"Better," I said, sitting up.

"You dislocated your shoulder, were shot in the shoulder, broke your foot, nose and jaw and will have lots of scars from the knife! Lie down!" said Tony, with Gibbs pushing me back down.

I sighed and lay back.

"How long was I away?" I asked.

"One month," said McGee, "We were all really worried about you. We sent out loads of search parties but no-one could find you."

"Where were you?" asked Tony.

"Some shack in the woods..." I replied.

"Did you see your kidnapper?" asked McGee.

"No," I replied, "He had his face hidden!"

"Was there only one guy?" asked Ziva.

"No... maybe three, four," I replied.

"How did you escape?" asked Tony.

"Enough! She needs to rest!" said Gibbs and he ushered everyone out of the room.

I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep. To be honest, I was scared the kidnapper was going to come back. I would never admit that to anyone, but it was the truth.


That was a bit longer! SHE ESCAPED!

New chapter soon, but first I need to watch NCIS, Hawaii Five-0, the Mentalist, Castle etc. So yeah... xD Oh, and Elementary!

Hope you enjoyed!


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