Chapter 24

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"Molly's got a boyfriend!" Tony announced as we walked into NCIS and Gibbs' head snapped up. His meeting was obviously over.

"No, I don't," I said as we walked over and Gibbs relaxed, "He's just a friend."

"Agent Lees, up here," I heard a voice say from above me.

It was the director. Grimacing, I walked up the stairs and towards his office.

"Have a seat," he said as I walked in.

I sat down timidly and he stared at me from across his desk.

"I have called you here about yesterday's incident," he told me, "Agent Gibbs has asked me to find out why you did what you did."

"Agent Gibbs can find out himself when I choose to tell him," I replied haughtily and the director laughed.

"Molly, you can't strike people," he sighed, "I get that she provoked you, but you seem like a calm, collected girl. You have to tell me why you did it."

"I'm sorry, director, but I can't. I'd prefer to take my punishment and leave it like that," I said.

"I'm not going to punish you. However, I am going to give you an official warning," the director said, "If you'd explained, I wouldn't have had to but you leave me no choice. The way it has been told, it sounds like you lashed out for no reason."

"Understood, sir," I said quietly.

"You may leave," he sighed.

I nodded and stood up to go back downstairs.

"Molly," he stopped me just before I walked out the room, "Are you OK?"

"Yes, thank you, director," I said before leaving the room.

I went downstairs and sat down at my desk quietly.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

"I just got a warning," I told him, "But next time he'll have to take it more seriously."

My phone buzzed and I glanced down at it.

"Is it the boyfriend?" Tony asked.

"DiNozzo, if you don't shut up my last warning will quickly disappear," I growled at him and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was Matt.

Hey, I was wondering if you want to meet up for dinner tonight? Since I've just moved here, I'd like to get to know the place a bit better

I grimaced. If Tony found out about this, he'd give me hell.

Sure, where do you fancy going?

Nowhere special. A Denny's maybe? Then we can go to the ghost tour at Lafayette Square Park! I've heard it's awesome!

I grinned.

Yeah, I've always wanted to do that! I'll have to check with Gibbs first. What time?

The tour starts at 7.30 and ends at 9.30 so shall we meet at Denny's around 6?

"Boss?" I said, walking over to his desk.

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Matt is wondering if I can go out for dinner then go out on a ghost tour with him," I explained, "He's new here and he wants to see things."

"Matt, the new guy?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Matt the new guy," I sighed.

"What time will you be back?" Gibbs asked.

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