Chapter 10

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DiNozzo came into my room soon after.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked.

"DiNozzo," I said, sighing.

"What is it?" he asked, sitting down on my bed, "Do you want me to call Gibbs?"

"No... Just... Well... I think I might remember something... It could be nothing but..." I began.

"What do you remember?" DiNozzo looked alert.

"It's something about... about a shark," I said.

"You don't need to remember about that... Not right now, anyway," he said and I frowned.

"Tell me everything," I said, "When you explained it to me, you were vague."

"No! You have to remember everything by yourself. That's what the doctors said," said DiNozzo, "Anyway, Gibbs said I should take you to NCIS. He wants to speak to you."

With that, we travelled to the NCIS headquarters. I sat down in my chair and waited for Gibbs to come. Then came the sirens.

Gibbs burst into the squad room.


He grabbed my arm and, quite literally, dragged me out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that McGee had headphones on and was staring at his computer screen, not hearing anything outside of his headphones.

"Wait!" I yelled but Gibbs couldn't hear me over the sirens.

These sirens were bloody loud. How on earth could McGee not hear them? How loud were his headphones?

We ran for what seemed like ages, even though we stopped just outside of NCIS. There was a massive drain open and people were climbing down it and into the sewers. Once we got down there, me and Gibbs searched for the rest of the team.

"Hey boss!" said DiNozzo, coming out of the crowds.

"Where are Ziva and McGee?" asked Gibbs.

"Er..." I started but they ignored me.

"Ziva? McGee?" yelled DiNozzo.

Gibbs was still holding my arm as if he was scared that, if he let go, I would disappear.

"Ziva? McGee?" he dragged me through the crowds.

"Agent Gibbs!" came a voice.

"Director Vance! Have you seen Ziva or McGee?" asked Gibbs.

"I saw Ziva over there with Agent DiNozzo, but I haven't seen McGee!" came the reply.

"Ok, thank you," said Gibbs then there was an almighty crash from above us.

"The tornado has hit Washington DC. It has just destroyed the NCIS Headquarters," said the voice from the radio then static.

"DAMMIT!" I yelled.

Ziva and DiNozzo came through the crowd to join me and Gibbs and all three of them looked at me.

"McGee is still in there!" I said.

"We've got to go and help him!" said Ziva.

"There's no point. He's probably already dead, and if we go up there, we'll die too!" said Director Vance from behind us.

Then began the arguments. During this massive argument between Gibbs and Vance, I slipped away and headed towards the surface.

We couldn't just abandon McGee. There was no chance of me doing that. I was going to help him. He couldn't be dead! He wouldn't be dead. I was sure of it.

It was time to stare death right in the face. Again.

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