VII - Yeah, I fell.

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It was Wednesday, and there's a day left before the big game, Ever since Lauren walked out. Camila haven't really seen her again, it was like she avoided her at all cost.

Shawn became a friend, and an ally. The basketball court isn't that far from the softball field, so whenever they had breaks, the Canadian would snap a video or two of the brunette's favorite player.

Lauren became cold, really cold. Yesterday, the two bumped into each other during lunch, at first she was sweet when she apologized but upon seeing Camila, her aura changed.

"I think it's better if we stick to th-" Lauren started but was cut off when she bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry." The raven apologized, quickly kneeling down and picking the books up.

"Are you hurt? Did I hurt you or something?" Lauren added.

"It's fine, I'm fine. Thank you." Upon hearing the voice, Lauren looked up to see Camila.

"You should watch where you're going too." Lauren mumbled, handing Camila her books.

"I know, I'm sorry too." Camila shyly said, while Lauren only nodded and looked away. Camila bit her lip and closed her eyes, wanting to slap herself.

"Lauren wait!" Camila yelled, but Lauren was already too far to hear her.

"Mila." Camila heard Shawn, he was busy telling the brunette stuffs she needs to remember if she wants to make sure Lauren would notice her again.

It's funny how the tables turned right? Lauren used to do these and now here she is, asking her friends to give her ideas.

"If you wanna make her notice you again, you have to be present." Ally said.

"How exactly?"

"You need to at least be there by the bleachers, instead of taking charge of detention. Why don't you tell Ms. Amber you'd stay on the field for first aids?" Ally said.

"Wait, that's possible?" Camila replied in confusion.

"Yeah, I used to do that whenever Troy has practice." Ally chuckled.

"Really cheeky Ally." Shawn teased.

Shawn still has no idea that Camila is in charge of detention Fridays, and she wanted to keep it that way.

"How about this, let's switch Schedules? You take Fridays, and I'll carry on Thursdays?" Ally asked, while Camila bit her lip before mouthing thank you.

"That would be a great idea, since the softball players stay later during Fridays." Shawn pointed out.

"Hailee's looking at you" Camila said.

"No she's not." Shawn chuckled.

"Yeah she is." Camila argued.

"Wanna bet?" Shawn grinned cheekily.

"Are you two serious?" Ally asked.

"I have a better idea." Camila smirked.

"Rock, paper, scissors. If I win, you'll look behind you and wave at her. If you win, I'll find Lauren and confess." Camila wagered, while Shawn grinned.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Shawn and Camila exclaimed.

"Ha!" Camila grinned, holding Shawn's fist.

"I won." Camila teased while Shawn laughed.

"Uh-oh." Ally whispered, Camila followed Ally's gaze and mentally slapped herself.

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