XXVIII - Uneasy Seventeenth

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Time does indeed fly fast when you're having fun and enjoying life. Who would've known that after years in heart break, she was able to find someone who is slowly going out her comfort zone to show affection? If someone would tell Lauren this was her life within 8 months, she'd definitely scoff.

"I'm nervous, so nervous." Lauren muttered, walking back and forth while the girls chuckled.

"I have this weird feeling in my tummy, I swear." Lauren added.

"How exactly does it make you feel?" Keana asked.

"Uneasy. Weirdly uneasy." Lauren frowned.

"The nervous kind of uneasy." Lauren clarified.

"It's free period, so we might as well do it now." Normani suggested, before Dinah's contact appeared on her screen.

"Uncle Alejandro says Lauser's allowed to stay out that late, but she'll have to sleep over." Dinah clarified, not knowing she was on speaker phone.

"As if that's a problem." Vero teased.

"Thanks Mufasa." Normani grinned, before she heard a groan and the line went dead.

"If anything, Lauren's more than happy to sleep over." Keana grinned.

"It's nice to sleep next to the one you love, try it for yourself Kea." Lauren said.

"Oh wait, you can't. You don't have anyone." Lauren smirked.

"Screw you Jauregui, I'm out." Keana glared.

"I'm kidding, don't leave. I need help." Lauren pouted cutely before she looked at her phone.

"I just got out the library, where are you?"

An instant smile immediately got plastered on the raven's face before she typed away.

"Walking to where you are, where are you? :))"

"Ah, 17th. My most hated day of the month." Keana commented.

"Ah, Kea. My most single friend." Lauren smirked, while Keana looked at Lauren in disbelief.

Maybe there are indeed reasons why we meet people. It was indeed either you give them a lesson to learn, or you learn from them.

If there was something Camila learned in the past relationship she had, it was that crowds can be mortifying and humiliating. Another lesson she took with her, was the trauma of how people would bad mouth you for declining public offers.

And well, here she is, standing in the hallway without any of her friends, while the people huddled around her.

"So Camila, would you go to the Christmas Ball with me?" Michael asked hopefully, holding flowers as he stood in front of most of the student body with a few more guys behind him, one was holding a balloon, another was holding a teddy bear, and he other one had a sign board.

Camila had her eyes wide, looking at everyone who was watching them. She hated this kind of situation, she hated the attention.

"I really like you since the day we met. I don't know if you remember it, but it was when our parents had their reunion. I saw you, and I was speechless. I hope you could give me a chance." Michael continued on, while the crowd cooed at him.

Camila was at a loss for words, biting the inside of her cheek as she pleaded the heaven's above for someone to rescue her or someone to say she's already taken.

"Please Camila?" Michael urged, walking closer.

"I...uh..." Camila stuttered before she looked at Michael. Camila closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh as she looked down before she went and looked up back to Michael was.

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