XIV - Attention Diversion

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If there was anything that Camila hated most, it was competition. She hated the need to compete, she hated the idea of competition.

"You were so cool." The woman said, as she smiled at Lauren 

"Thank you." Lauren nodded before she proceeded to slip away from the small group.

"Hi baby." Camila looked up to see her favorite pair of green eyes beaming at her.

"Hi." She greeted, placing a kiss on Lauren's cheek.

Lauren let out a huge grin before practically cooeing at Camila's antics. Eversince they started to date, (Which was a month ago.) Camila would always kiss Lauren's cheek. It was a habbit the brunette developed, and Lauren wasn't complaning. She loved Camila's touch, let alone her kisses.

"You're smiley." Camila chuckled.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am."

"And why is that?"

Lauren didn't reply. Instead she just gave Camila a smile, intertwining their fingers as they made their way towards the volleyball court. Dinah and her team were scheduled to have their tune up game before summer starts, and they promised to watch the Polynesian.

"Oh my gosh! You're Lauren! The softball hottie!" One student squealed upon seeing the raven walking in the field of their own school.

"I wouldn't be so sure about the hottie part, but I am indeed Lauren." Lauren smiled politely.

"Omg! Can I get a picture of you?"

Again, Camila hated competition. It was fine that Lauren was getting recognized by students, she was happy for her. But all she wanted was to go and watch the game with her girlfriend.

Apparently, they can walk and talk for a few seconds before another student spots the raven and tries to take a picture with her. They've been walking around the school's corridor for 5 minutes now, and almost every 30 seconds, someone spots Lauren.

Camila's train of thought was interrupted when she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. She was ready to nod and offer her hand. During the past few minutes, she was the photographer of Lauren's fans.


"Oh, Hello." Camila smiled politely at the brown eyed guy looking at her.

"It's you! It's indeed you."

"Me?" Camila was confused, she was sure she hasn't seen this boy.

"Yes, Camila right? You were that student from Miami High, The winner from the Investigatory Fair."

"You remember me?" Camila chuckled. She was very surprised that someone would remember her, specially at a Science Investigatory Project fair.

"Of course! Your project was on point! You were so good during defense! It was an easy win for me."

"I'm Gabriel by the way." He added, smiling shyly.

"Camila." Camila chuckled.

"Is it okay if I snap a picture?" Gabriel shyly asked, Camila on the othe hand nodded.

Lauren, on the other hand was not paying attention to the two new girls who came to her. She was more focused on how Gabriel was taking selfies with Camila.

"Gabe! I've been looking for you!"

"Jela! Right on time! Meet Camila." Gabriel smiled, when Jela turned to Camila she squealed loudly.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm gonna faint!" Jela exclaimed, before hugging the brunette.

"Oh... Hi." Camila chuckled awkwardly.

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