XIII - Trolls and Trust

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"Now this is a sight I was excited to see!" Vero grinned when Lauren walked inside their room for first period.

"What?" The raven replied, raising her brow.

"Where is she?" Keana asked.

"Who?" Lauren chuckled.

"Oh please Lauren, where is the girlfriend?" Vero asked.

"I already took her to her class." Lauren smiled before taking a seat.

"Wait." Keana paused.

"What?" Lauren laughed.

"Lauren, you're single." Keana pointed out.

"Says who?" Lauren grinned.

"You little shit." Vero chuckled.

"I'm taken." Lauren winked.

"Since when?" Vero exclaimed.

"Since Saturday." Lauren chuckled proudly.

"Bitch!" Keana rejoiced jumping and hugging Lauren.

"Wait, hold up! Saturday?" Vero asked confused, before looking at Keana.

"Wait! Is it..." Keana trailed off while Lauren gave her a small smile.

"Camila?" Vero asked, while Keana nodded, Lauren looked down. She was about to speak when Keana beats her to it.

"It's okay, I'm sure whoever this girl you're dating is better than all the girls you liked." Keana said, trying to cheer her up.

"I'm kind of disappointed that it wasn't her, but you still should've told us." Vero frowned.

"I'm sorry, I'll introduce her to you at lunch." Lauren played along.

"So you're finally over Camila then?" Vero chuckled while Lauren smiled.

"Are you serious?" Normani whispered when Vero and Keana went back to their seats when the teacher came.

"They wouldn't let me finish." Lauren chuckled.

"You're so mean." Normani chuckled.

"I know." Lauren grinned sheepishly.

Monday, the first day of the week. Normally Lauren would be bored, and would've complained about how time was very slow. She would've tried to get in trouble now, but after the events it wasn't nescessary anymore.

Camila met her family the same day she met Sofi, Sinuhe and Alejandro. The only thing Lauren could do while Camila talked to them was give the poor girl a smile and a pat on the back while Camila was bombarded with tons of questions.

It was an easy approve for the Jauregui's. Despite being
very protective of Lauren, they couldn't resist Camila. Let's just say, after formally legalizing their relationship. Lauren took her on another date, and asked her properly.

"When is the basketball championship again?" Keana asked, while they continued to talk at the cafeteria.

"Thursday noon I think?" Lauren replied.

"Huh, 3 days from now." Vero said.

"Speaking of basketball, what was the letter Shawn gave you?" Keana said.

"Remember how he said it was from his friend?" Lauren smiled.


"Well, that friend of his is my current girlfriend." Lauren smiled.

"Damn Lauren! That was fast!" Keana commented.

"The letter was just a confession that she liked me." Lauren chuckled. She wasn't even lying, the letter literally had.

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