XVIII - Comfy

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Camila bit her lip as she watched the woman leaning by the side of her car, she had her arms crossed on her chest, her head tilted to the right, upwards. Camila let out a breath of relief while Sinuhe watched her daughter watch Lauren.

"If stares have an effect, Lauren would be surrounded by hearts now." Alejandro teased, nudging Sinuhe. walking behind Camila.

"Thank you God for making this goofball fall for me." Camila whispered, unexpectedly loud enough to reach Sinuhe's hearing.

"Camilita, if you keep on staring at Lauren, you're not getting anywhere." Sinuhe spoke up, cutting Camila out of her own thoughts.

"Right. Uhm, I'm going now." Camila nodded flustered.

"Okay, be safe." Alejandro said opening the door for his eldest.

Lauren's attention diverted from the stars towards Camila, her pressed lips curved upwards showing her toothless smile. Lauren postured properly, walking towards the front porch.

"Good Evening Uncle Ale." Lauren greeted, while the male Cabello engulfed her in a hug.

"Evening. You know the rules Lauren." Alejandro said, while Lauren nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Alright, I'll leave you be. Good night." Alejandro nodded, walking inside and closing the door.

"You look stunning, I was starstruck for a second." Lauren smiled, leaning to kiss Camila's cheeks.

"Oh please, if you only knew how long I was staring at you by the window." Camila giggled, taking Lauren's hand in hers. The simple action had Lauren's heart racing. It was always her who initiates the moves, and now Camila was initiating it too.

"Who else is gonna be there?" Lauren asked shyly, opening the car door for Camila.

"I'm pretty sure Dinah, and Mani and her family." Camila smiled as Lauren got inside. Lauren nodded before she leaned into Camila's side, planting a kiss on the brunette's cheek before she went to pull the seat belt for her.

"Thank you." Camila smiled, kissing Lauren's cheeks as well.

"Good evening." Lauren grinned, looking at Camila.

"Likewise." Camila replied, reaching for Lauren's hand to hold it after Lauren started to drive.

"You mentioned...Mani?" Lauren asked, while Camila nodded.

"You do realize they became close. Like...really close." Camila gossiped, while Lauren laughed.

"Ooh, do tell sister."

"Okay, so first they went on a trip together last week right?" Camila said.

"To buy flowers?" Lauren asked.

"Not just flowers! But Dinah came home with a huge smile plastered on her face. And by home, I meant she came home to me." Camila said.

"I like where this is going." Lauren chuckled.

"But I like you more." Lauren winked, earning a blush from Camila.

"Do you think they're you know...going out?" Camila asked.

"I think...not yet. But kind of they're like on the way there?" Lauren explained.

"Should we push them to each other then?"

"I mean, they did make my dream come true. So why not?" Lauren smiled happily, squeezing Camila's hands.

"Dream come true?"

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