Chapter 1

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Harry and Ron were woken up by Hermione who shouted " Guys wake up " . Ron groaned " Why Mione ? This is a summer holiday . Why can't we sleep ?" Harry could help but agree with Ron because he could share the same feeling. Harry could imagine Hermione rolling her eyes and she said " Boys remember yesterday Professor Dumbledore said a student from Ilvemorny is coming today so GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS OUT OF YOUR BED" she shouted the last part causing two boys to stumble out of the bed knowing an angry Hermione is a dangerous Hermione.

When  the two freshen up and climbed down the stairs everyone was waiting outside along with Dumbledore who was waiting calmly for the student while Hermione was one step away from bouncing up and down with excitement . On seeing that both Harry and Ron rolled their eyes thinking the new student is going to die from the questions being asked by Hermione. Hermione asked " Professor could you please say his name ? " . Dumbledore calmly said " Patience Hermione . He will arrive within a few minutes " causing Hermione to groan in annoyance . Truth to be told Harry is also interested in knowing about the student. Before Hermione could say anything George or Fred who know both of them looks like the same pointed at the sky and shouted " Watch there" causing everyone to look at sky . 

Harry could see a large mass of black flying towards them from the sky and it looks like a horse except this horse has wings . He turned around and saw the shocked look on others faces except Dumbledore who had a knowing smile on his face. Hermione shuttered " Is that Pegasus ? They are extinct ". Dumbledore said with a smile " Of course not dear. As you can clearly see our guest is coming by Pegasus". Before anyone could say anything the Pegasus landed on clearing , from the pegasus climbed down a large figure yeah large figure will be an accurate description . The figure looked like a matured , worked out and taller version of Harry. He had a deep tan which could only be got by spend more time under Sun and he has a swimmer's build and the most peculiar feature is his eyes which is a gorgeous sea green. 

He looked around him and saw others had a look of recognition when they saw him . Ron, Hermione and Ginny looked at him with wide eyes and their jaw would have hit the floor , before he could ask Ron about that Fred yelled in delight " Georgie could you believe your eyes , the youngest dueling champion is standing in front of us ". George replied with same delight " Of course I couldn't believe this . Is this a dream ?". Both the boys looked at each other and said " Beat me " . Those two bet each other causing them to stumble forwards and the two looked at each other and yelled " No this is not a dream " . This  caused the others to shake them out of their shock . Molly gave the two a reproachful glare but those two rushed forward to greet the guest who was watching the whole conversation with a smile on his face . " Hello I am Fred " one twin said and pointed at the other twin and continued " This is George " . Both the twins looked at  him and said " You are Percy Jackson " . This caused a series of gasps among the residents of the Burrow while Ron looked like he is going to faint.

The boy shook their hands with a grin and said " Indeed . I am Percy Jackson . But you are not Fred and George  " . The twins both gasped in shock " What do you mean ? " . Percy said with a smile " You are George " pointing at the twin who introduced himself as Fred while looking at the twin who introduced himself as George he said " You are Fred " . 

Fred shuttered " How did you--------"

George continued "------find out this --------"

"------when sometimes our mother gets confused" both the twins finished.

Percy said with a mischievous grin " Well my fellow pranksters , you are not the only pair of twins I had seen and as prankster myself I know the mindset of my fellow pranksters ". 

Fred and George looked at each other and yelled " This is going to be a wonderful school year".

Molly rushed forward and dragged them by ears while Arthur started to introduce himself. Harry nudged Ron who was still in shock to look at him " Ron who is this ? " Harry asked loud enough only for Ron , Hermione and Ginny to hear . Those three looked at him as if he was a alien causing Harry to look at them with an annoyed expression . Hermione said in a low whisper " Harry he is Percy Jackson . He is the youngest dueling champion who had won the dueling competition conducted by International Confederation of Wizards which only happens once in every twenty years  He won the championship when he was just 15 . He is world famous . It is rumored that he could even do wandless magic and he could do N.E.W.T level magic .How could you not know him ? " but there was something in her voice which made Harry think she knows more about him other than the being dueling champion. 

Before Harry could say anything Ron started to greet Percy . Percy shook his hand and gave him a small smile , Ron looked like he is going to faint on shaking hands with a world famous wizard. Then Percy shook hands with Ginny and Hermione while seeing Hermione , Harry thought a look of recognition passed between them but before he could think about it . Percy came to greet Harry , when Harry introduced himself he waited for his eyes to go to his scar instead he gave Harry a grin and greeted him .

Dumbledore cleared his throat and asked " Could I have a word with Mr. Jackson ?" Percy nodded his head and Dumbledore took him far from the others and both started to speak something Harry could not hear . Harry heard Arthur said " Blimey . An international wizard is going to stay with us " while Molly replied " It seems so dear ". 

The conversation has ended , Dumbledore disappeared with a crack and Percy started to walk towards the Burrow before giving some sugar cubes to his Pegasus .Harry could think about only one thing 'This is going to be a long year'.


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