Chapter 11

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Percy was woken up by something annoying perching on his shoulder . He opened his eyes only to be met with a red bird . 

The bird blinked , shaking Percy out of his daze . Percy noticed it is Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes . It dropped a parchment from its mouth .

He opened and read 

Could you come and meet me now in my office . It's very urgent Perseus .

-Dumbledore . Same password.

Percy nodded and then the bird disappeared in a column of fire causing Percy to roll his eyes at its dramatics .

Percy went to the common room and saw it was cleaned from the mess created yesterday after the announcement . Percy looked worried thinking how Harry's name came from  the goblet . He wondered how the young boy is doing . After returning Percy had not seen neither Ron nor Hermione . He hoped they believed him since at this time support from friends is what someone needed .

With this thoughts he started to walk towards headmaster's office . On reaching the corridor he said " Sherbort Lemon" causing the gargoyle to open . 

After entering the office Percy saw Dumbledore was looking very much tired . On seeing Percy he greeted him with a tired smile " Hello Perseus " . Percy nodded in greeting . 

" I called you to discuss about yesterday's event Percy " Dumbledore said causing Percy to nod . He thought that's what he will discuss now . Percy leaned towards him and asked " Professor do you have any idea who had done that ? " .

Dumbledore shook his head with a grim expression . 

"If Karkaroff was the one who did it, then he must be a good actor cuz he acted like he didn't want Harry to enter the tournament" Percy said . " I am afraid so Percy but I don't understand why taking so much risks to make him to enter the tournament ? " .

Percy nodded thinking the same . Percy said thoughtfully " It doesn't look like who had done it wants Harry to die in tournament "  causing Dumbledore to look at Percy in confusion . He said explained " If they  wanted Harry to die , there are many ways to kill him which are easier than this . I think they want him for something ".

Dumbledore said calmly " I am afraid what you said is true . I hope it is not the case . But our main task is to make him live throughout the tournament " .

Percy nodded and said " It will be easy if we know what the tasks are " hoping Dumbledore will say anything or atleast will give him any clue but Dumbledore smiled at him apologetically and said " I am afraid I can't say anything . But I can say you one thing rules are made to be broken ".


Percy made his way to the great hall only to greeted by many gryffindors treating him like a hero or something . He saw students from other houses looked at him with hero worship making him to groan in annoyance .

Percy entered the great hall hoping to see Harry but he saw only Hermione eating toast . He sat across her and said " Hey " causing her to jump . Hermione glared at him when he chuckled causing the chuckle to fade . Hermione greeted him and said " So how are you ? " 

Percy said " Better . Worried about  Harry  " causing Hermione to nod . " Yeah . What do you think ? Do you he put the name in the goblet ? " causing Percy to shake his head " No . There is no way Harry would have done that " . Hermione nodded at him saying " Yes there is no way Harry would have done that . He never like attention . In fact he hates attention like you " . 

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