Chapter 15

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Percy was walking towards the great hall after finishing double potions . He has to write a ten inches essay on strengthening solution.

He wants to internally groan . For him there is no problem in studying but the problem is to write the essay . He doesn't even need to get enough  O.W.L.S , he just had to complete his studies  to work in M.A.C.U.S.A but he needs to do it for the sake of this mission.

He entered the great hall and saw the trio furiously talking about something , he sat down next to Harry and asked " What's up ? " . Harry wordlessly shoved a daily prophet under his nose . Percy read the prophet and his eyes widened . 

Percy looked at the trio who was watching him expectantly . " Is it true  Hagrid is a half giant ?" . The trio nodded at him . 

Percy said " What is the problem if he is a half giant ? He is very good . Just because he is a half giant doesn't mean he is bad " . Harry exclaimed " Exactly . It is all due to Malfoy and Skeeter ".

Percy glared at Malfoy who was laughing with some of his slytherin goonies . On seeing Percy's glare on him he immediately paled causing Percy to smirk with satisfaction .

Percy looked at the trio and said " We have to speak to Hagrid . He is really good at the subject except his love for dangerous creatures " . The trio nodded at him thinking how he wanted to raise a dragon .

"This evening, after Divination.Tellhim we want him back . . . you do want him back?" he shot at Hermione."I - well, I'm not going to pretend it didn't make a nice change, having aproperCare of Magical Creatures lesson for once - but I do want Hagrid back, ofcourse Ido!" Hermione added hastily, quailing under Harry's furious stare. Percy turned towards Harry and said " Ah , Harry don't forget to bring the golden egg " .

Harry looked confused " Why ? " . Percy grinned at him and said " I know what to do with it ".


After dinner the four of them left the  castle once more and went down through the frozen grounds to Hagrid's cabin. They knocked, and Fang's booming barks answered. "Hagrid, it's us!" Harry shouted, pounding on the door. "Open up!"Hagrid didn't answer. They could hear Fang scratching at the door, whining,but it didn't open. They hammered on it for ten more minutes; Ron even went and banged on one of the windows, but there was no response. "What's he avoiding us for?" Hermione said when they had finally given up and were walking back to the school. "He surely doesn't think we'd care about him being half-giant? "But it seemed that Hagrid did care.

They sighed miserably .They tried for another ten minutes but he did not open the door. 

So they decided to try again later .Hermione looked at Harry and asked " Have you brought the egg ? " . Harry took out the egg and showed it to Percy . Percy looked at them and said " Follow me".

Without waiting he started to walk towards the black lake . Percy turned towards them and told them to jump into the lake . They gave him an incredulous look saying Are you insane.

Percy looked at them in exasperation and said " Believe me . Do what I say ? ". 

Ron looked at him in disbelief " Are you kidding ? There are many dangerous creatures in the lake ". Percy irritably said " They won't attack you as long as I am there ".Not wanting to argue with the older boy, Harry jumped into the lake . Soon he was joined by Ron and Hermione .

He braced himself to get wet but he saw he was surrounded by a water bubble . He looked around and saw both Ron and Hermione are also surrounded by a water bubble. 

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