Chapter 25

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The last month had passed very quickly especially with rumors about how Percy died and how he might have survived .Everywhere he went people will just stare at him like an alien and whisper among themselves . It is annoying him a lot . If he had not experienced this same during his early days at Camp Half Blood he would have snapped at them angrily . But thanks to that he knows how to handle that situation , so he  just glared at them causing them to shiver . 

It is not only difficult for him but it is difficult for Harry also . The same treatment given to Percy is also given to Harry . Dumbledore had asked Harry and Percy to not tell anybody about his rise aside from the ones who already know. Percy noticed dark bags under the younger boy's eyes . He is clearly having nightmares . He couldn't help but fell sorry for Harry even he knows that will do nothing . He is clearly going through the same situation which Percy went through during the Titan Lord's rise . Percy just hopes there should not be a prophecy saying Voldemort should  die by Harry's hands . He knows there is a prophecy about Harry which caused the Dark Lord to attack him but he doesn't know what is the prophecy .

Whenever Percy asks Dumbledore about the prophecy the old mentor will always say it is not the time for Harry to hear about it causing Percy to suppress the urge to shout at him in frustration . One side of him knows Dumbledore wants Harry to not worry about the future like how Chiron did the same to him while the other side says it is foolish to hide it from Harry if the prophecy is about him . 

Percy  looked at the night sky where the Huntress constellation is beautiful like always causing his heart to ache knowing her death is his mistake . If he was fast enough he would have saved her from her father . One of the many deaths occurred due to him being weak .

Percy closed his eyes and wiped away the lone tear that is tracing down his cheek . The images of all those friends and demigods whom he failed to save flashed before his eyes . But the one that haunts him every time is the soulless grey that looked into sea green eyes , the same grey eyes he used to love . If he was aware of his surroundings she would have survived , she is too young to die . A gentle breeze brushed his tear like saying it is not your fault . Percy shook his head and furiously thought it is useless to think  ' what if ' , it will do no good for him . He knows there will definitely be a war in the wizarding world like the first time .  This time it will be serious considering the fact the minister is much more paranoid than his uncle . It will be a surprise if the minister didn't try to spy on Dumbledore . Sometimes he wants to throw down all this , he could not bear the deaths of his friends but he knows at the same time he could not stand aside and watch the destruction Voldemort will do to the wizarding world . He knows loses during the wars are inevitable but he will try . The Son of Earth Shaker silently swore to himself he will do anything to protect as many people as possible especially Harry , the Weaseleys and Hermione . When he opened his eyes anyone could see the sheer determination and anger which even makes the powerful beings to shiver . 

Percy could feel some footsteps behind him and he knows whose those steps are . He turned back and saw the baby blue eyes that shone brightly in the moonlight behind his moon shaped spectacles and the long white beard shining like it had been dipped with silver coating . He walked towards Percy calmly but Percy knows behind the calm appearance he himself is slightly frustrated about the rising of Dark lord and the paranoia of the so called minister of magic . 

Dumbledore stood besides Percy and continued to look at the beauty of the night sky . They both continued to look at the stars and constellations and the only sound that could be heard is the rustling of leaves due to the cool breeze of the night sky . After a few minutes Dumbledore spoke quietly still looking at the sky " May I ask why you did not attend the feast Perseus ? " 

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