Chapter 13

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Percy was making his way towards Headmaster's office . He is very much angry , that he will slay thousand monsters if they come in his way . Yule ball . Fuck the yule ball , he didn't care about it. He will even leave the competition . He is not ready to move on from Annabeth and he don't know he will even move on from her . 

But they want him and the other competitors to open the ball along with a date . He is mad at whoever made those stupid rules . He had stormed off from Mcgonagall's office once she said it . 

He didn't even notice he had reached the gargoyle which opened after saying the password . He saw Dumbledore sitting in his chair looking thoughtfully . On seeing him he smiled at him and said " Hello Percy . How can I help you ? "  

Percy stood in front of Dumbledore furiously and said " I am not going to Yule ball " . Dumbledore casually said " I am afraid ,you have to attend the ball . It is a tradition " .

Percy roared " Screw the damn tradition . I will not attend the ball " causing the floor to shake , some of the things fell and broke . Paintings were shaking , the old headmasters were yelling for him to calm down . But Percy could only feel now was the same fury he felt when Annabeth died.

 He thought Dumbledore would be angry but instead he was looking at him with the same expression as Chiron even though Percy was mad at him .

Slowly he calmed down and slumped down in the chair . Dumbledore did not speak for a moment but when he spoke his voice was filled with concern like Chiron " I am sorry Percy for this . But it will be better if you do it . I wholeheartedly apologize for that but please Percy even I could not change the rules " . Percy looked at him and saw his usually twinkling eyes are filled with worry . Percy nodded causing Dumbledore to sigh in relief . 

Dumbledore looked at seriously and said " I am very much grateful for you to come and help us in the time of need eventhough you had just finished your own war, Percy ".

Dumbledore said " I don't know much about Miss. Chase, Percy . But I know from what my friend Chiron told me about Miss. Chase I think she would have wanted you to move on Percy . Just take this advise from this old man 'there will always be love in darkest times and a death of one love doesn't mean you will never find love again' ".

Percy nodded at him and stood and said " Thank you professor . I am sorry for this " gesturing to objects that were broken . Dumbledore said with amusement " It is okay Percy . There is nothing a simple reparo cannot do ". 

Percy walked away from Dumbledore's office with a determined look on his face knowing who he had to ask someone to the ball .He had decided to take his advice . He thought what Annabeth will think if he did not move on . She sacrificed her life for him definitely she will want him to move on . If he asked ,any girl would accept but he don't want the girls who agree to come with him only for his popularity . He want a girl who first sees him as a friend and cares for him .

He was on his way to ask the girl who is in his mind when Fleur and other Beauxbatons girls surrounded him . At the corner of his sight he saw Hermione running towards the library . Percy internally groaned thinking this is going to be a long day .


When Hermione heard about the Yule Ball she thought all the girls are going to put makeup and look like a walking barbie which is what exactly happened . 

Hermione was walking towards the library where Percy agreed her to tutor him on vanishing spells for O.W.L.S eventhough it is a fifth year spell when she saw Percy was being surrounded  Fleur and other Beauxbatons girls. On seeing that she quickly ran towards the library ,her eyes were filled with tears . Of course she is stupid to have a crush on him . He is a world famous wizard while she is only a nerd . 

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