chapter 8: earth's mightiest

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I stood back to back with Cap, holding off the Chitauri. There were too many of them now, and we showed no signs of closing the portal. A Chitauri shot Cap in the legs, and he fell down. I picked his shield up and ran towards the Chitauri, and hit him round the head with the shield. I jumped off a car, and threw the shield at another. I caught it as it bounced back to me, and handed it back to steve.

"That thing is awesome,"

"I can close the portal," Nat said, straining.

"Do it!" Steve and I said a the same time.

"No, wait," Tony said.

"Tony, these things are still coming. We're hopelessly outnumbered," I said.

"I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it,"

"Stark, you know that's a one way trip," Steve said. Tony didn't reply, but less than 30 seconds later, he came flying overhead with a nuke above him. He turned up towards the portal, and increased in speed. He disappeared through the portal, and all the Chitauri around us started powering down.

"He made the sacrifice play," I said quietly to myself. The beam coming out of Stark Tower disappeared, and the portal closed. It was quiet for a while, but the silence was broken when we noticed a figure falling through the sky.

"Son of a gun," Steve said. Hulk jumped and grabbed him out of the sky. He tumbled down a building, and crash landed near Thor, Cap, and I. We all ran towards them.

"Is he still breathing?" Cap said as Thor took the face of Tony's suit off and threw it across the street. Hulk roared, and Tony woke up gasping, which made Hulk roar louder.

"What the hell. What just happened?" Tony asked. I fell onto the floor, and smiled to myself.

"We won, Tony. We won," I said.

"Alright, yay! Hurray, good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about 2 blocks from here. I don't know what it is. But I wanna try it,"

"We're not finished yet," Thor said, looking at Stark Tower.

"And then shawarma after?" Tony asked.


We were all in Stark Tower, recovering from the huge battle. I reached in my pocket, and pulled my phone out. It was dusty, but somehow it hadn't broken. I called my mum as Nat turned the TV on.


"(Y/N)! You're alright, thank goodness. I turned the TV on, and saw news of an alien invasion in New York,"

"Yep, I wasn't lying," I joked whilst laughing. "Did you hear that? 'The extraordinary heroics of the group known as the Avengers'. Heroic. I'm an Avenger," I said happily. Nat heard this, and smiled at me.

"Yes, I'm very proud of you. But, you have a lot of explaining to do when you're home,"

"Oh, about that. I'll be staying in New York for a bit, with the others. I'll let you know when I'm coming home though,"

"Alright, be careful, and stay safe. I love you, son,"

"I love you too, Mum," I hung up and put my phone on the counter. "Pour me a drink, Tony,"

"How old are you?"

"16," He looked at me quizzically, but poured me a small glass of whiskey.

"Don't tell the others," He winked at me, and I drank it quickly.

1 week later...

Tony and I were walking through New York, back to Stark Tower, which had since been renamed to Avengers Tower.

"So, once work has finished on the tower, what do you say to moving in?" He asked.



"I'd love to. But, I can't. I've gotta go back to England. Back to school. I've got exams in 2 months,"

"I'm going to act like you didn't say that. You're an Avenger. You don't need to go back to school," Tony said, sounding almost disappointed in me.

"Yeah, but what if the Avengers disband. Then what? I won't have any qualifications to get a job or anything. I'll do my exams in May, then in August, when I get the results, I'll come back. Permanently,"

2 more weeks later...

"It feels weird going back to school, after New York," I said to my mum, as I tied my tie. "It feels weird being back in Roanemouth,"

"I'm just happy you're home, and safe," I looked at my watch, and realised I had 30 minutes to get to school.

"Shit, I'd better be going," I took a piece of toast as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "We need to talk when I get home," I ran (normally) out of my house, and walked to school. I stopped off at Roberto's and bought a bottle of Fanta, and a ham and cheese baguette. I could feel people staring at me and talking about me as I walked through town. A part of me really liked it, but the other part of me felt awkward.

I walked into school and Luke snuck up behind me as I walked to tutor.

"Alright mate? When were you gonna tell me you could run as fast as you can?"

"Yeah, it's good to see you too Luke. To be fair, I only got the powers 2 weeks before New York happened," I explained.

"You've got bigger since then,"

"I'm not fat!"

"No, I meant muscle. What's it like being an Avenger?" He asked, as we walked through the school.


My first day back at school was... odd. Lots of people had come up to me asking for autographs, I didn't know what to do, so I just signed them and tried to get on with my day. I got home, and collapsed onto the settee.

"If this is what it's like being moderately famous, I don't want it,"

"How'd it go?"

"It was awful. So many people asked me for autographs and photos," I complained.

"You'll get used to it. Besides, you've only got 2 months left. What was it you wanted to talk about?" My mother asked.

"Oh. I kinda agreed with Tony that I'd move to New York permanently after my GCSE's. You know to spend more time with, and train with the rest of the Avengers,"

"No. You're 16. You're not ready to move out yet. Especially not New York. Anyway, where would you be living?"

"Avengers Tower, with Tony," I took my phone out my pocket, and went to Tony's contact. I placed my phone on the table, and left. "Call him," I shouted, as I closed my bedroom door.

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