46 || Mountains to Meadows

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3 days later


Dwalin, Bofur, and Fili landed their eagle on the outskirts of the Shire, scaring a few hobbits in the process. The dwarves smiled as they remembered the night they arrived and nearly gave poor Bilbo a heart attack, they were glad to be back even if it were for a short time. Fili was giddy to head to Bagend. He insisted he come and surprise Leo - and he missed her too much to stay behind.

Dis, Fili's mother, also insisted he go with Dwalin and Bofur to retrieve her future daughter-in-law. Although Dis's heart was broken by the loss of her brother and son, she found a bit of peace in all the stories she had heard about Leo from Fili and every dwarf in Erebor. The idea of a hobbit reigning over the dwarven mountain did not sit completely well with her, but the prophecy eased her nerves...it was a new era after all. Above all else, however, Dis found comfort in how much her son loved this hobbit. The dwarves told her their story, how they protected each other, how Leo saved his life, and how she comforted him through the loss of Thorin and Kili. Though wary, as dwarves are, Dis was excited to meet this little hobbit who captured the heart of Erebor.


2 weeks earlier...


The dwarves brought out of exile celebrated their return and celebrated the life of their fallen king with the Company and the clan of Dain in the grand Mead Hall of the mountain - which had been partially brought back to its glory in a short amount of time. The reunion was tearful, joyous, yet held a great sorrow. Dis took the news of the fallen harder than the rest on account of losing her son and brother. She thanked Aulë that one of her sons had survived and the great line of Durin would live on through him...though she was not yet aware with whom that line would live on through.

Fili and Balin sat with the other dwarves as they drank and sang merrily. They watched as Dis smiled with Dwalin, one of her oldest friends. Fili was glad to see her smile, he missed it. Her smile reminded him a lot of Kili's.

Balin nudged Fili who was taking a sip of his ale. "When do ye plan to tell her?"

"Preferably before we bring her back."

"Well, obviously, lad. When? She'll need time to process the idea...which I know she will take to it, but it will take time."

Fili sighed. "When do you suggest I tell her?"

"She doesn't look too busy now..."

"Now?! Are you mad?"

Balin smiled. "I know you're itching to tell your mother everything about her. She will see that love in your eyes and she'll understand. Your uncle was one of the most stubborn, tradition-keeping, arrogant, unaccepting dwarves I had ever known...but he adored that hobbit more than he ever showed." Fili sighed and looked at his mother laugh. "We'll be right there to defend Leo if need be. After all, you're not the only one who cares about her."

Alive - Fili DurinWhere stories live. Discover now