7 || Alright, let's roll with it

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A/N: this is kinda just a filler with some sweet Fili moments :Po o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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A/N: this is kinda just a filler with some sweet Fili moments :P
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

"Is this a safe spot, Leona?" Thorin asked the girl who scanned over her map. The party had come across a ruined farmhouse that looked to have been destroyed by a fire years ago.

"Yes, this area is known to be quite safe. The closest beastly thing would be the mountain trolls from the Ettenmoors. But this is too far South for them to travel. May find some squirrels though." Little did Leo know that after she had said 'yes' Thorin completely blocked her out and began unloading his things - he quickly learned that she liked rambling.

Leo's POV (a/n: let's spice things up ya'll):

I scanned the clearing for a place to lay my stuff and settle as the sun went down. We were surrounded by thick woods that made for a pretty good source of protection; or, at least I hope so.  We've managed to survive another sundown - hopefully many more.

Instead of continuing my hunt for a good sleeping spot, I began admiring the destroyed farmhouse, wondering what it looked like when it was first built. Who lived here? How many of them were there? What happened to it? What happened to them?

"A farmer and his family used to live here." Gandalf interrupted my thoughts, motioning to the house with his staff.

"What do you think happened to them?" I glanced up at Gandalf, causing my neck to crane almost all the way back. The setting sun blazed over the trees, resulting in me having to squint my eyes to see him properly.

"I do not know." He pondered for a moment, resting on his staff. I nodded.

I felt a little gust of wind blow pass me and a jiggling sound fade into the distance. I turned and saw no one; however, my backpack and bedroll - that I sat next to my feet - were gone. I spun towards the gaggle of dwarves only to spot my brown backpack and bedroll in Fili's hand. I started to shout at him but decided to watch him instead, curiously wondering what he was up to. He stopped at a spot farthest from the company, at the edge of the woods. Fili gently placed my stuff next to his leg while he threw his bedroll down by the tree to roll it out. Once Fili had his stuff laid out, he opened my bedroll and laid it out next to his - not too close, but close enough. I blushed at the sweet gesture and grinned to myself as I fully intended to move it a bit closer later on. I couldn't help but laugh when Kili placed his bedroll on the other side of mine and made sure it was touching mine. Fili smacked his brother and moved his stuff for him - or rather he threw his brother's stuff who knows where.

Thorin's stern voice shot through my giggly thoughts. "Oin, Gloin, get the fire going." The dwarves sprung into action

Gandalf sounded from his place still at the farmhouse. "I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley." (A/N: I know what you're thinking and yes it is where they milk the ranch dressing cows)

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