✦・thirty seven╭╯

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Hoseok slipped his hand in Zia's and intertwined her fingers with his. The couple were walking a step behind the Phenomenal. Zia looked down at their hands, and her lips curved into a small smile. A smile appeared on his face after seeing his girlfriend.

They were hiking up Bukhansan. A monster they had captured had tipped them off that a lot of monsters hid in these mountains. They still killed the monster because they couldn't let it wander around.

"Hoseok, look." Zia said, pointing at the beautiful scenery below them.

"It looks beautiful." He whispered, astounded. Zia gripped his hand tighter and leaned forward to peck his lips. It was soft, but it had a lingering effect on him.

"That's it?" He asked, leaning forward.

Zia laughed and put her hand on his chest, stopping him. Her blonde hair shined under the sun.

"Not now, Sunshine. We have to find the monsters. Maybe later." She added, seeing him pout. She dragged him to catch up with the others.

"Sunshine, I like it." He told her. She chuckled.

None of the Phenomenals noticed him and Zia disappear for some time. He knew Night and Jungkook wouldn't stop teasing him or Zia if they saw.

"Can we take a break?" Taehyung asked, tiredly. Beads of sweats dotted on forehead under his cap.

"Yeah. sure." Namjoon said and puffed out his cheeks, letting the backpack he was carrying drop to the ground.

Everyone sat down in a circle. Hoseok shrugged his bag off and dug out his water bottle. He lifted it to his lips and passed it to Zia after he was done. She smiled at him softly before quenching her thirst. He could feel his stomach flutter. He remembered the small kiss Zia had given him and licked his bottom lip.

"How much longer do we have to climb?" Night asked, pulling out her cap from Taehyung's bag.

"Two more hours." Jin replied.

"Two more hours?" Yoongi whined. "Couldn't we just ask the monsters to come down instead of going up? We would even have had an advantage."

"What advantage?" Jimin asked, taking a bite of the sandwich Jin and Yoongi had made early in the morning.

Jungkook passed the sandwiches before biting into his own. Hoseok picked a sandwich and took a bite. It was delicious.

"We could hide and attack them unexpectedly." Yoongi explained. "But now, if they spot us, they can do the same."

"Jin," Night said suddenly. "Can you feel if someone is walking?" Jin looked at her with a confused expression. "Your power is nature. So, can you feel if someone is walking on the ground if you concentrate?"

If Jin could sense people walking or running, then they didn't have to worry about the monsters attacking them out of the blue.

"I have never tried it." Jin said. "Do you think it's possible?"

Night got up. "Let's try." She ran forward, her ponytail happily bouncing behind her. Jimin chuckled.

"Can you sense her walking?" Namjoon asked. His intelligent eyes eagerly waited for a reply.

Jin sat straight, closed his eyes and concentrated. A small frown formed on his forehead while he tried to sense Night's footsteps. "I can feel something coming closer." he told them without opening his eyes.

Jungkook turned his head to see if Night was coming back. His thin lips curved upward into a smile. "It's Night." he said happily.

"Night stop." Namjoon called out, "Don't move."

‹𝟹﹒𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥﹒⌒⌒Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora