Chapter 8

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Y/n POV:
After Jacob left the room I stayed in there silently crying. I didn't know he would get that upset. I soon heard sudden footsteps heading my way, so I sat up quickly wiping my tears.
Brianna peeked her head infront the door and rushed inside with Kayla following close behind. "What happened?" Is all that their faces read, but I just shook my head and said "nothing" Which burned my tongue knowing it was a lie. I later found out Jacob had drove off somewhere looking like a madman as Kayla described. I finally left myself taking the city bus, even though all of them offered a ride. I couldn't take the rave of questions that would be asked. I just needed to leave and fast!
All I could think of on the bus was how I never meant to hurt Jacob.
I was just afraid of something I couldn't really explain.
Though I feel like I made the right decision, I can't help but feel something missing.....

~2 months and half later~
Y/n POV:
School has been okay. I mean Trey is still hugged up on Layla, but occasionally looks at me when I'm at my locker. I usually roll my eyes to the fullest and avoid any contact. To check on the crew; Chrestano and Brianna are still going strong as ever, and their adorable as always. Also Kayla and Ray are dating as well, which I'm so happy for her cause she really likes him and he seems cool.
Then there's Jacob....
I never really see him anymore, except for sometimes In the hallway and 2 of my classes which he never even notices me in. Although he's been avoiding me, he's been getting attention from a lot of people lately. Ever since he joined the basketball team and brought them closer to the championship than they have ever been before. I never even knew he played basketball.
Anyways, I also hear he goes out wit some girl named jasmine. I've seen Jacob and a girl around together but I don't know if it's true. Kayla and Brianna also know everything that happened between Jacob and I. Both of them were really bummed about it because they were rooting for us, but I told them things just happen. It gets a little awkward when everyone is together at lunch and stuff, I mean Jacob talks to everyone and cracks jokes. But when it comes to me he won't even look in my direction or say nothing. It kinda irks me because I miss him talking to me even though we only had like 2 conversations. I guess things happen for a reason, but the thing is I don't see one yet.
Authors Note:
Short Chapter😁😳
But I promise it gets better🙏
Keep reading➡️➡️🔜

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