Chapter 9

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Authors Note:
Btw just wanted to let you know the characters ages.

Y/n POV:
I was walking into lunch happy as ever, because It was Friday! Meaning it's close to the weekend! Finally I can get up out this hell hole. People have been getting on my nerves, talking about Layla and trey. Seriously I don't give a fuck about him or her! Then there's this buzz about Jacob and some new girl... Ughhh I don't even care!

Anyway, on the bright side I got an A- on one of my hardest classes, which was AP calculus. May I mention Mr. Cunningham did not play when it came to tests!
Anyway, halfway walking with my lunch tray I saw everyone sitting around already laughing at something that was probably stupid. But funny.
I walked up claiming my seat next to Kayla and Ray.

"hey where you been girl" Ray says turning to me
" places" I said taking a sip of my grape juice
" well you should've been here milk just came out of ray's nose!" Kayla said scrunching up her face but still slightly amused.
" now I'm glad I didn't" I said screwing up my face as well.
We kept on cracking jokes and stuff until I realized Jacob wasn't even at the table. Where could he be, usually he rolled up with the boys to lunch.

Suddenly as if right on Cue Jacob appears through the cafeteria door Afro first.
Damn! did he look good today! From his Afro down was like an angel sent from heaven! I was literally eyeballing him so hard that i didn't know my juice had accidentally almost spilled on Ray.

" y/n what the hell!" Ray said jumping back and snapping me out of my daydream.
" omg I'm so sorry ray I didn't mean to" I said quickly grabbing napkins by the millions to wipe up the spill.
" uh huh yah you best watch it! This is some expensive shit right here!" Ray said popping his collar. I looked up and gave him a look like 'nigga

"Ray pleaseeee, I watched you buy that shirt at Wal-Mart for $10.00" chrestano said rolling his eyes.

Everybody started to laugh and Kayla almost choked on her cheese stick. Ray gave Kayla a stank face and said...
" well it was still a lot of money ok. You could have gotten 10 kids 10 bowls of rice." Ray said rolling his neck which made us all laugh even harder.
After our laugh attack Jacob seemed to disappear but again reappeared and was heading towards our table, but this time he wasn't alone.

She was probably 5'5 with mocha type skin and had long silky brown hair down to her waist with hazel eyes and the physical appearance of a model.

She had her hand locked with his and was smiling at something he had whispered in her ear. Some looked at them in awe as they walked pass and others looked in jealousy. I even heard whispers like " omg why her" or " wow they are so adorable" and "I need to be her".
When they finally both sat down Jacob greeted everyone but kept his distance from me as usual.
" hey guys, wats up" he said dapping ray and chrestano. " ladies" he said, but I knew he was only referring to Kayla and Brianna.
" hey Jacob" everyone said except for me of course because i thought it best to keep my distance as well.

It got kinda awkward because the mystery girl was just sitting there until finally..
" so..uh..Jacob who's your surprise guest" said ray referring to the mystery girl.
" oh.. Uh Guys id like you to meet jasmine, my girlfriend" Jacob said smiling from ear to ear.

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks!! I mean people have been talking about him and a girl, but I didn't think it was true! Wow he's really moved on. I guess it just wasn't meant to be....

"hi" she said slightly waving with a small smile.
" hey" said the girls and surprisingly me too. " wasup" ray and chrestano said.
"So lil Jay- jay here has been hiding you from us huh" said chrestano looking from Jasmine to Jacob.
" really has he" she said somewhat sarcastically chuckling while looking at him.
" well not really--I mean we just kinda made it official recently and I just never found time to let you guys know." Jacob said shrugging.
" aight fair enough" ray said believing the story since Jacob has been kinda m.i.a lately.
" so... did you guys meet" Ray said tryna start more unnecessary conversation.
" well I'm in the hot seat today" said Jacob making daggers at ray and chrestano.
" no, J it's okay, I understand the curiosity" jasmine said rubbing Jacobs arm.
" yeah J, let her tell the story" ray said mocking jasmine. Jacob just mean mugged ray and went back to his sandwich.
She lightly laughed and begun.
" well it all happened at one of Jacobs basketball game after parties. My little cousin was a big fan and wanted his autograph. So I went up to him and we started talking and went on a couple dates until we found out we clicked. I guess it kinda all worked out, especially since I just transferred." She said with a smile looking from us to Jacob who was nodding his head through the whole story.
" aww nice" said Kayla
" cool, where did you transfer from" asked ray.
" uh Wesley high" she said
" oh cool one of my cousins go there, I hear it has a pool and theater in the gym alone and every student basically gets a car." Brianna said suddenly interesting everyone else.
Wesley high was known to be home to some of the richest children in LA and it basically looked like a million dollar hotel than a school. So this chick must be loaded.
" well.... actually yah kind of. Yes there's three pools in one part of the gym along with the theater which is across from the botanical garden/zoo. And not really cars more like go carts or scooters your choice really" she said amusing everyone instantly.
" woah go carts cool! " shouted ray and chrestano looking at each other.

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