Chapter 14

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"Alright class take out your textbooks and read the passage on pg.234. When your done with reading, answer the questions on the next page." Mrs. Reid groggily said as she sat down to take attendance.
I groaned and took out the book. I just skipped to the questions because Mrs. Reid just graded based on completion anyway.
" what do we do when were done?" some girl asked, as I finished.
" umm... Either get started on your homework or relax for the next couple minutes." She said never looking up from her computer.
I decided to choose the second option and talk to the only girl I knew in the class. Olivia.
Olivia was black mixed with Indian and she was really kind and pretty. Her personality won her class president and she organized a lot of school functions.
"Hey Olivia, you done" I whispered looking at her. She sat next to me.
" yeah, you" she said nodding towards me.
I just nodded and she pulled her desk closer so we didn't have to whisper so low.
" so, you going to the game this Friday?" She asked smiling.
" idk, I'm not really into sporting events." I said shaking my head.
" me either, but I here it's gonna be hype! I mean if our team wins this game, their going to the championships." She said making it sound better than it actually might be. "plus those boys on the team are an attraction all by themselves. Especially Anthony Hawkson, oh and that Perez dude. Whew Jesus!" She said emphasizing the last part. She's had a crush on Anthony for years.
" aight Olivia I got you" I said chuckling at her excitement.
" I'm serious, you should consider coming. I mean you and that Jacob dude are close right?" She said looking at me.
" well not rea-"
"just think about it" she said quickly. "you won't regret it" she added holding onto my arm anxiously.
"ok maybe I'll-" I started.
" yes!" She said smiling wide as the bell rang
" think about it" I finished but I guess she didn't hear me cause she rushed out the class still smiling.
"Oh well" I sighed to myself walking down the crowded hall.

I turned the corner towards my locker and turned the lock to the proper numbers, but it wouldn't open. What the heck? I tried it again and it still wouldn't work, I checked my phone. The bell was gonna ring at any moment now and I couldn't afford to be late for Mr. Kline's class.

I did the combination one last time and then banged my hand against it. I just got tired and rested my head on it, clearly defeated.

"maybe you should try the combination" I heard a voice say behind me.
I quickly lifted my head, surprised at the sudden voice. Then I turned around slowly, not knowing what to expect.

"Malik?!" I said squinting my eyes in disbelief.
"Wats good baby girl" he said smiling at me.
" what are you doing here?" I said putting one hand on my hip.
" what? am I not allowed to go places" he said chuckling.
"Malik stop playing, what's the deal?" I said serious. "and you better not be skipping school either"
"Aight, calm down mom" he said. "remember when I said I had a surprise" He added looking at me.
" yeah, so"
" well this is it" he said shrugging.
I looked at him for a minute. "so you took time off school to come visit me" I asked confused.
"Y/n, your so slow" he said shaking his head. " I'm not here to visit, I'm here to stay."
"Wait, so you mean"
" yep, your boy is coming back to Lincoln High." He said waiting for a reaction.
"Your kidding me right?" I said waiting for him to bust out laughing. But he didn't.
" I ain't playing y/n, I'm really coming back." He said. "surprise!" he added smiling.

Really. Has he been here all day? What made him wanna come back all of a sudden? I can't believe this is happening right now. I must be dreaming. But I wasn't. Malik was really here in front of me and now I had to deal with him in person.

"I can't tell if your happy or just speechless" he said looking at me closely.
" I ain't even sure myself" I said staring blankly at him.
"Well, look on the bright side, it'll be like old times again" he said throwing his arm over my shoulder.
I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.
" and now that I'm back, we can continue this friendship thing personally." He slowly whispered in my ear, causing shivers down my spine.

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