Chapter 20

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Ps. The writing in italics are the voices of the announcers in the game.

Well the following days had passed by quickly and Friday night had finally arrived. The game soon to be played was a goal for the Lincoln Lions(the school team) and if done well, it could bring them all the way. Everyone was anticipating a soon to be victory, even teachers and staff were making signs throughout the week. Hopefully they wouldn't go in vain.

Friday-Game Night

Jacob POV:
Dribble twice
cross over
cut to the basket
make the shot.

This was it. Today was the day that determined my fate and promise. I was sitting in the locker room going over some last minute plays in my head. I wasn't nervous but I wasn't exactly Mr. confident either. My mom called earlier and apologized once again to say she couldn't make it, but I guess I saw that coming with her job and all. I just wish today could've been different.

As I was on the bench I felt a presence sit down next to me.

"you good"

I looked up to see an excited ray.

I took a deep breath and bowed my head. "I guess"

I felt his hand land on my shoulder.  "look jay, don't stress yourself alright"

I raised my head from my hands. " I'm not, just a little anxious that's all."

"Look man it's probably just last minute nerves, everyone gets them once in a while" he stated.

"Could be" I sighed.

"What's on your mind" I heard him ask.

"Idk man...I just really wanna make this night worth it. you know." I explained looking towards him.

" and you will man" he added. " with all this team has to offer were sure to pull through."

" I know ray, but I just feel as the teams's captain I gotta try my hardest to go out there and get this win."

He sighed loudly and rubbed his temples." look Jacob, I'm glad you got that feeling, because that's probably how a captain is supposed to feel. But they also need to know that their not the only one on the court. You gotta a whole team and school behind of you, and once you got that much support. How they supposed to knock you down?" He explained raising his eyebrows on the last part.

I thought about what he was saying and he was absolutely right. This wasn't about me. This was about the team and what we've worked hard to achieve so far.

" ray, I think you should honestly become a psychologist after high school." I said chuckling.

" nah I can't deal with crazy people." He said shaking his head. "well I deal with Kayla, but never mind about that. You know I'm right." He said starting to chuckle.

" yeah I get you ray, and uh thx man for the motivation." I said dapping him.

" no problem, and remember win or lose we'll still be brothers." He said retuning the hand motion.

I nodded. " buuuut just in case we do lose, I might not come to school for a few days."

I shoved his shoulder. " bro shutup"

"ay guys" Chres said sticking his head in the door. "coach said we gotta circle up"

"aight Chres were coming." Ray said.

"you ready" he added standing up and holding out his hand.

I grabbed it and stood up too. " let's do this"

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