Chapter 28

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This pic above won't make sense now but it's a       spoiler/ hint in a way for the chapter

I was so comfortable right now.

Malik and I were snuggled up together on the couch and I peeked one eye open to watch as his chest went up and down.

Aww he was so cute when he slept. I raised my hand and grazed it slightly against his cheek.

I giggled a little as he twitched his nose a bit but i tried to quickly quiet myself before he woke up.

I looked at him for a little while then I found myself slowly closing my eyes again.

"You guys are quite cozy."

This is all I heard as the lights flickered on. I opened my eyes wide as I recognized the voice.

I jetted up from my position next to Malik causing him to wake up in a daze.

He looked at me in confusion as to my sudden movement and I signaled my eyes over towards the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I squeaked out running my hands through my hair.

She looked at me but I couldn't even read if she was upset or not.

I felt Malik jet up next to me as well.

"Ohhh Mrs. y/l/n(your last name) a pleasure to meet you." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

I almost wanted to giggle but I didn't.

She nodded her head and crossed her arms. "I remember you. Malik right? My daughter used to tutor you I believe."

We looked at each other. Yeah I was a lil surprised she remembered.

" yes ma'am that is correct. A very bright daughter you have for sure. I hate that this is the way we got to meet ag-"

"Oh that's fine. I mean Y/n is allowed to have friends over. Not necessarily this late but I'm sure she has a reason" my mom interrupted as she moved into the kitchen wit her gaze still on us.

I don't at all I thought in my head.

"Although I thought u moved away" she added coming closer to the middle island of the kitchen looking at us. "I remember because y/n was so sad about it."

My eyes opened wide at my mom's words.

"Okayyy Mom" I blurted.

She gave a side smile and shrugged as she turned her back to us. "You were"

Malik grew the biggest grin on his face as I looked up at him. He teasingly bumped his arm into mine.

"Not u being sad cuz the big dawg left" he whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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