Chapter 37

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Her goodbye to her mother was colder than ever as Diana boarded the train, looking desperately for Layla. She needed somebody to talk to who had at least a bit of sense in them, unlike her own family.

     "So how was Christmas?" Layla asked as the two girls sat alone in the compartment. Before Diana could even open her to reply, she continued, "You have to visit Switzerland one day. It was absolutely amazing! We actually went on a ski trip while we were there — it's a Muggle sport. What did you do over the holidays?"

     "Oh, me? Nothing much." Diana shrugged casually. "I prevented a murder."

     Layla frowned. "Wait, what? How?"

     "Self control."

     "Oh, God... What happened?" Layla asked, sensing from her voice that something worse than usual had happened to Diana over the break.

"You won't believe it if I told you."

"Spit it out already," Layla said impatiently.

Diana hesitated at first, before sighing in defeat. "I will tell you. But Regulus can't find out yet, or he'll freak out."

"Right now you're freaking me out! For Merlin's sake, just say it!"

"Okay... First, you have to know what Wizarding families like mine are like. They're strict when it comes to old traditions."

"Aha... So?"

Diana let out yet another sigh before finally blurting out, "My parents are planning an arranged marriage for me after I graduate from Hogwarts."

"No way!" Layla gasped, her eyes widening in shock as her jaw nearly dropped. "But with who?"

"Sirius Black."


"Yes. That was literally my reaction too," Diana said flatly as the train began to move, leaving the station behind.

"But — I don't understand — how — what!?"

"According to them, it is my honorable duty to our sacred family to keep the bloodline going," Diana said in a sarcastic tone, rolling her eyes.

"As in to have children?"

"Yes, as in to have children."

Layla's shocked face was immediately replaced by a teasing grin. "Dunno. It doesn't sound too bad to me, come to think of it. It's basically your duty to sleep with the hottest guy who's ever existed. I mean, personally I would be on board with such offer."

"Ugh, you git!" Diana groaned in disgust, kicking her in the shin and making Layla laugh. "I never even wanted to marry anyone in the first place! With anyone! Let alone being forced into it by my parents, with someone I despise!"

"So when's the wedding?" Layla smirked. "I'll be the maid of honor, right?"

"There won't be a wedding!" Diana snapped stubbornly. "I won't let it happen. I won't."

Queen of Disaster | 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑛Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon