Chapter 91

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Diana wasn't sure if Layla would like hanging around with Lily Evans, because Layla was an incredibly compatible girl and Evans was an exceptionally bright witch; certainly smarter than Layla. But as it turned out, Layla enjoyed being around the two Gryffindor girls as well.

"Why? Why do we have to study this rubbish!" Marlene cried out, banging her forehead down on the table in misery.

"Mar, keep your voice down or Madam Pince would kick us out of the library again," Lily scolded her quietly, looking around her nervously for any sign of the librarian.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do," Marlene said grumpily, her forehead still resting against the table.

"Every time." Lily sighed to herself, shaking her head. "Why do I keep coming to the library with you, even after all these six years? It's like I never learn."

Marlene looked up at her with a frown. "You don't keep coming with me to the library. You drag me into the library with you!"

"Well, sorry for wanting to help you get better grades!"

     Marlene smirked. "Apology accepted."

     "You know," Layla started, turning to face Marlene, "I'm actually done with my assignments. I can help you with your Charms' essay, if you want. I heard Professor Flitwick saying that you were falling a little behind."

     "You — I mean — yeah, sure. Thanks," Marlene mumbled, taking a few spare pieces of parchments out of her bag.

      Although it went unnoticed by the other girls how a blush descended on Marlene's cheeks when Layla pulled her chair closer to the blonde girl.


The next day, Diana walked up to the Divination classroom like she did once a week, meeting up with Professor Tenebris — the strange Divination teacher — for her private lessons. But each time she went there, she left the class more disappointed than the time before.

     It had been a long while since the last time she'd been able to see anything in the crystal orb or make a simple prediction like she had done before. She was starting to think that maybe she had no powers to begin with, and that her past predictions weren't actually real. Maybe she had been hallucinating because of her terrible sleeping schedule at the time.

     When she mentioned this to Professor Tenebris, his only response was, "It is Professor Dumbledore's orders that you should continue these lessons. He's a man wiser than the rest of us, no matter his intentions."

      Diana felt confused by the answer. She couldn't understand why the headmaster insisted on continuing her Divination lesson when they were all useless, but she was way past the point of complaining and backing out of it.

      I'll wait till the end of the year. If nothing happens until then, I'll tell Dumbledore that I don't want the lessons anymore, Diana thought to herself firmly as she left the dim and overly-warm Divination classroom.


On Valentine's day, Diana woke up to the giddy giggles of her roommates, running around and getting ready for their Hogsmeade trip with their dates, leaving the dorm one by one.

"Why are you still in bed?" Layla asked Diana while she stood in front of the mirror, magically curling her dark hair with the use of her wand. "Don't you have to get ready for your date with Lupin?"

     "We're not going on a date today," Diana said through a yawn, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

     Layla turned to look at her with a raised brow. "What? Why not?"

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