Chapter 98

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"Oh, no..." Diana whispered to herself in horror and suddenly went pale, turning her face sideways to look at where Remus was sound asleep beneath the blankets.

"Remus! Remus, please wake up!" Diana started pushing him by the arm urgently, glad that she had used a locking and silencing charm on her bedroom door the previous night.

"Whas' happenin'?" Remus mumbled sleepily, slowly opening his eyes.

"Diana, are you still asleep? Wake up!" Her mother's voice came again, growing impatient. Diana's heart sank when she saw the doorknob turn, but she sighed in relief when the door didn't open.

     Diana picked up her wand and took off the silencing charm from the door so she could answer her mother, though she kept the door locked.

"Don't come in! I'm naked!" Diana yelled out the first thing that came into her mind. "I'm changing my clothes!"

Finally coming to his senses, Remus snapped awake, abruptly sitting up with his eyes wide in terror when he realized what was actually happening around him.

"Then why is the door locked?" her mother asked irritably.

"So people like you won't barge into the room when I don't have clothes on, Mother!" Diana yelled back, while Remus briskly hopped off the bed, all color draining from his face.

     "Where's my shirt?" Remus asked as quietly as possible, moving around the room until he found it on the floor beside the bed, putting it on.

     "Quickly, hide!" Diana whispered urgently, almost mouthing the words so that her mother wouldn't hear her speaking.

     "What? Where?"

     "In my wardrobe! Quickly!"

     Knowing that he didn't have enough time to climb back out of the window and had no other choice, Remus hurriedly walked into Diana's wardrobe. She then closed its doors behind him before changing out of her sleeping gown and into her formal clothes as quickly as humanly possible.

      "Diana! What's taking you so long!?" Mrs. Greengrass began to knock again, but Diana was just in time to unlock the door with her wand and open it.

"Good morning, mother," Diana said casually, with the calmest smile she could manage without letting her panic show.

"Morning?" Her mother scoffed. "Diana, it's nearly noon! You missed breakfast! And no matter how many times I called you, you just wouldn't answer."

"I'm sorry. I — I had slept in."

"I had hoped that at least you were getting ready."

"I have gotten ready," said Diana, gesturing at her dress which she usually wore during the day around the house. Sleeping gowns were only allowed inside the bedroom.

Her mother looked her up and down. "Oh, but you can't possibly think that this dress is suitable for today."

"Why? What's happening today?"

Her mother's eyes widened at those words. "Diana, I spoke to you about it the night you arrived home! Or were you not listening to a single word I was saying?"

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