Chapter 3: Violet

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"Come on, Violet! I swear this is a great idea!"

"The last great idea you had involved slathering yourself with butter!"

"I was eight. And it was a wonderful idea, you're just jealous of my intellect!"

"So sneaking into a Wingwatcher meeting is a wonderful idea now?"

"We are Wingwatchers!"

"Wingwatcher apprentices."

"Same thing! Besides, it's not like they can kick us out! We're far too invaluable for that. Seriously Violet, you're worrying about this way too much. We'll be fine."

Sneaking into a Wingwatcher meeting was not Violet's idea of fun. While she had to admit she was curious to learn what they were discussing, she wasn't interested in going in the slightest. She'd much rather stay at home with a cup of warm milk and a book. Now that was fun. Unfortunately, Daffodil never seemed to share those sentiments, that one in specific.

Violet raised an eyebrow at Daffodil. "Brook can still suspend our training." And besides...I don't want to go anyways.

Daffodil scoffed. "We're so close to being promoted to full Wingwatchers it won't even matter!"

"Yeah...we'll end up being promoted in the next three years at this rate."

Rolling her eyes, Daffodil crossed her arms. "Violet, why are you being so uncooperative right now? Especially for things like this! You'd normally be all about finding out what's going on in the Wingwatcher meetings."

Because I don't want to think about any of this Wingwatcher stuff when Ivy isn't around. Or because I'm still upset with Ivy just leaving us behind like that. You know, the obvious. Violet wasn't going to say it out loud, however - she had a feeling that Daffodil knew that all too well and she preferred not talking about it.

She sighed. "I just don't think this is a good use of our time. Can't we do something else?"

"This is a productive way to spend our time!" Daffodil snapped. Exhaling deeply, she turned around, adding, "Look, you don't have to come with. But I want to know what's going on, so I'm going anyways - with or without you."

As Daffodil began to walk away, Violet blinked in shock; she was being serious about this? Usually she'd never go to do something on her own, especially without Daff angry with me? Violet didn't like the idea, but it seemed plausible - whenever Daffodil was furious with Violet, end result was usually being ignored for a few days or so. What did I do this time, though? I mean, she doesn't seem angry with me, but...

I wish Ivy was here. She'd know how to handle situations like this. Violet frowned, looking down at her shoes. She'd be able to tell if Daffodil's just angry with me or if she isn't. She's always been better at this stuff than I have.

Why did she have to leave so suddenly?

"Vi? Are you..." Daffodil had took one last glance at Violet, her gaze wide. She came over to Violet, her hand gently brushing against Violet's cheeks. "I know you don't want me to go by myself, but please don't cry over it."

Oh moons, am I crying? In front of Daff, of all people? Violet tried to ignore the rising feeling of embarrassment in her cheeks.

She shook her head. "No, that's not...that's not why. I'm just...thinking about something else." She took Daffodil's other hand, sighing. "But you're dead set on going regardless, aren't you?"

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